2 | thousand mixed up

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"Heeseung ?"Hanee opens the door of Heeseung's room

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"Heeseung ?"
Hanee opens the door of Heeseung's room.  It was 3 in the morning and she got up to go to the toilet but she saw a dim light from his room .

So, Hanee decides to check on Heeseung's condition.  She worries about him who sometimes cries every night .

"Hanee ? Come in"
Heeseung pointed towards a couch in front of him and Hanee immediately rushed and sat there .

Hanee watched Heeseung, there was a guitar on his lap.  He was wiping the guitar with a small cloth, dusting it off .

"You certainly haven't played this guitar in a long time "
Hanee said as Heeseung smiled a little and nodded .

"I'm a little busy so I didn't have time to play this guitar "

Hanee pursed her lips ,
"Is it because you're busy or do you feel guilty? "

Heeseung stopped wiping the guitar, his movement became stiff . He cleared his throat and clasped his hands together .
"Hanee, we're in Jeju now. We're going for a walk tomorrow"

"You need to get up early so I think you should go to bed now "

Hanee fidgeted with her fingers, it's true they were in Jeju for a vacation but Hanee couldn't leave Heeseung grieving alone .

Hanee was very moved because Heeseung was willing to pay her treatment bill, plus Heeseung took Hanee for a walk around Seoul and came to Jeju with his family for Hanee's sake .

Hanee pulled out something she was hiding in her back, she gripped the book tightly before walking over to Heeseung. 

She handed the book to Heeseung
"I think you should read this book"

"What book is this? ”
Heeseung clueless but still took the book from Hanee.

Hanee smiled a bit at the older ,
"Heeseung, stop blaming yourself.  It's not your fault and this book ... it's Haru's lifeline"

"She always wanted to be a poet but you know back then my dad didn’t allow her"

"So, she wrote all her poems in this book "

Heeseung's eyes began to shine ,
"Can i read this ?"

Hanee nodded , giving him permission .
" I will go to my room now"

Hanee immediately ran out of Heeseung's room to give him some space .

Hanee rushed to the kitchen to drink water as her chest felt very narrow . She patted her chest gently and trying to hold back her pains .

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