(short) Gonna be

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"I don't care!!" Starting today, as Mina yells on the top of her lungs; sending a message to world even without having anyone to hear it, Mina vows.

"I'm gonna be someone!"

Eyes tight shut, and she drowns herself to this new form of freedom. It's so foreign because she always tend to silence her heart when it starts throbbing. But letting it speak up turns her heart alive.

"I'm gonna be someone!"

Being somewhere where nobody knows her name, where she doesn't have to carry anyone's expectations about her; it's something Mina never knew would be a dream come true.

"I'm gonna be someone others won't leave!"

Still, Mina chases what runs away from her. She's still onto dreaming about being someone's favorite. One thing she stubbornly doesn't want to admit.

"I'm so sick of.." Her voice starts to run low in a quiet whisper. "Not being enough for anyone to stay."

Still, Mina's onto that.

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