(short) Not the main character

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In movies and stories and stuffs like that, side characters always fall for the cool quiet main character.

But in reality, the quiet ones are usually left on the side, barely seen and noticed. And even if they are, some usually get treated like they're some objects so easy to toy around with.

And oh, Mina wishes she's that cool quiet main character so that she won't have to walk with her head down when she walks on the hallway.

But the cool and main character got extracted away from her by the time she was born, and there she have it, only having quiet attached to her.

She's not the main character, and she knows it.

However, there are times she feels like she is the main character, but when she looks around, she remembers she's not.

Just how are those fictional characters who tend to be cold and quiet are seen cool, and are loved, but not Mina?

Why do others look for something non-existing and fail to notice what's existing?


It's probably because some people looks way too far, Mina thinks. And Mina thinks she's doing the same too.

Maybe Mina is a main character and she just don't know it because she keeps wishing to be the main character in other people's story.

And maybe because she keeps treating herself like a side character.

And someone won't become the main character if they treat themselves like a side character.

Mina thinks it's time to turn the tables.

Mina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now