"Oh and what's that?" Cormac sneered. "Last time I checked all you were was a junior Death Eater!"

The reaction to Cormac's words was immediate. All of the Slytherins pulled out their wands and barely a couple of seconds passed before spells went flying. Jets of light were shooting towards both the Slytherins and the Gryffindors. Shields were being put up and Alicia and Katie bumped into each other as they simultaneously moved out of the way of curses sent by Marcus and Alexander.

"Steleus! Slugulus eructo! Locomotor wibbly!" Harrison slashed his wand through the air at Cormac.

The third year Gryffindor fell to the ground as his legs turned to jelly. Cormac opened his mouth to cast a spell but before he could he sneezed violently, and a second later he turned green. In less than ten seconds he was sneezing while simultaneously vomiting up large green slugs. His blue eyes were wide as he waved his wand frantically trying to undo the curse as slime dribbled down his chin. Harrison wrinkled his nose before sneering at how pathetically easy it was to beat Cormac when he didn't use any advanced spells. In fact he was sure any half decent first year could use the spells he just did.

"Anteoculatia!" Oliver yelled and the spell hit Alexander who had been blocking a spell sent by Alicia.

Large brown antlers began growing out of Alexander's head but the sixth year didn't pay any attention to them as he twirled his wand and sent a spell right back. The white light hit Oliver square in the chest and the Gryffindor went flying and landed on his back twelve feet away.

"Calvorio!" Harrison incanted and the spell struck Angelina.

Angelina's hair fell out causing the girl to become distracted. Black hair littered the grass and soon Angelina crumpled to the ground courtesy of Peregrine Derrick. Marcus pointed his wand towards the twins who were the only Gryffindors left standing. Fred and George had watched the scene unfold without pulling out their wands.

"Don't," Harrison said sharply and Marcus hesitantly lowered his wand.

Harrison looked around at the five unconscious Gryffindors and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It was quite sad that they could beat them when it had been obvious to Harrison his friends had refrained from using anything harmful because they were at Hogwarts. He couldn't wait until they could finally use dark magic on them, they really wouldn't stand a chance.

"Enervate them and then let them have the field," Harrison said as he picked up his broom. "Ravenclaw gets the field soon and there's no point of practicing now." He glanced at Alexander who still had large antlers growing out of his head and his lips twitched.

He didn't care about seeing if the Gryffindors were okay or not so Harrison began walking towards the castle. A moment later George and Fred appeared on either side of him. Harrison glanced sideways at the twins as he adjusted his hold on his broom.

"Shouldn't you two be back on the pitch?" Harrison inquired.

"Oliver won't be in any mood to practice," Fred said.

Harrison wasn't surprised when Fred finished his own sentence. Whenever it was just the three of them they usually didn't talk back and forth. He nodded before eying each twin in turn.

"Why didn't you two come to your teammates defense back there?" Harrison asked as if he didn't really care what they answered.

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