Harrison eyed his best friend carefully, he knew how defensive Blaise got when people spoke about his family. He personally wanted to rip Ron's tongue out and he knew Blaise must be angrier. Harrison was slightly curious as to why Arthur and Molly would be discussing such things where their children could here. Although it didn't really matter what they said, Aurora Zabini would never be arrested for anything. Harrison was also surprised that Ron was actually keeping up with their verbal comments, normally his vocabulary consisted of 'shut up' and 'I'll get you'.

"Or I'll rip your tongue out and feed it to Leo's bird," Blaise threatened. "And in case you were wondering, yes, that was a threat."

Ron's eyes narrowed and he pulled out his wand. "Bombarda!"

Blaise stepped out of the way of the spell causing it to hit a pillar sending shards of marble to the floor. Blaise pulled out his wand and sent the same spell flying at the red head. Harrison and the other second year Slytherins immediately moved out of the way, Ron deserved to get his ass kicked by Blaise.

"Protego!" Ron shouted. "Tarantallegra!"

Blaise chuckled darkly as he deflected the spell. "The dancing feet spell? Really?" His large lips formed a sneer. "Pathetic spell for a pathetic wizard."

Harrison watched as Blaise cast a verbal slicing hex at Ron who barely managed to dodge it. Harrison knew if Blaise wanted to he could send Ron to the hospital wing in a body bag. However they were all warned against using dark or extremely advanced magic in front of anyone who wasn't dark. Harrison watched Blaise closely to make sure he wasn't casting anything too advanced and was pleased to see he only used general dueling spells. Dean and Seamus stood off to the side with their wands drawn and pointed at the other Slytherins, none of them were fazed in the slightest.

"Bombarda! Bombarda!" Ron said waving his wand through the air.

The second spell went flying at Daphne who barely managed to move of the way in time. Harrison felt his blood boil as he stopped Daphne from falling to the ground. Her eyes went wide and he could tell she was genuinely shocked. Harrison noticed that his other friends looked furious and now all had their wands pointing at the red head.

"You'll pay for that Weasley," Draco growled. "Reducto!"

The spell hit Ron square in the chest and he went flying into the wall, his wand went soaring into the air and landed in front of Blaise. Blaise mockingly raised his wand and pointed it at Ron's before casting the same spell Draco did causing the wand to shatter into a hundred pieces. Ron's eyes went wide and he went bright red, he jumped up and ran at Blaise. The Slytherins weren't expecting a physical attack and Blaise slammed into the wall. Harrison felt like an idiot for not being prepared for a stupid muggle style attack.

"Reducto!" Dean and Seamus yelled at the same time.

"Protego!" Harrison yelled and a large shield formed in front of the Slytherins.

Behind Harrison Ron was repeatedly punching Blaise while the Zabini heir tried to push him off, but he was disoriented from his head smacking into the wall. Harrison turned around and saw blood pouring from Blaise's now crooked nose and a black circle forming around both of his eyes.

"Stupefy!" Harrison angrily shouted at Ron sending the red head into the wall. He turned towards the other two Gryffindors who just cast cutting hexes. "Stupefy! Stupefy!" The over powered spells sent Dean flying into a statue of a sixteenth century alchemist and Seamus into a marble pillar.

"Blaise," Jenna said worriedly as she bent down to examine him.

"I'b goin kilb hin," Blaise said, his words not coming out properly.

Harrison cast a diagnostic charm Narcissa had taught him over the summer. "Both his nose and jaw are broken," he said fuming.

"Weasley's going to pay for that," the usually cool headed Leo snarled.

Harrison knew Leo must be angry if he was losing his cool. Harrison didn't know how to heal broken noses, it was something his father said he wouldn't learn until this next summer. He bent down and helped Blaise up, the boy winced as Harrison lifted his arm over his shoulder.

"Your shoulder must be dislocated," Theo said with a glare towards the unconscious Ron.

"We should get you-" Tracey began but was cut off.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?" Violet demanded.

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