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Gun was sitting at their balcony, looking at the stars. This is the only thing that keeps him calm. The cold breeze that is hitting his face feel like it was also taking away all of his thoughts and questions. It's making him calm and stopped overthinking once in awhile.

Gun heard the door opened but he didn't move. He knows it was his husband. He can hear his footsteps coming closer to him and he's right. It's Off.

Off sat next to him, smiling at Gun who's looking up the sky. He also looked at the moon and decided to spoke. Say something he learned online.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Off asked. Off read that those words means I love you. And he thinks it was perfect for Gun who really love looking at the moon.

Off is still afraid to say those three words to Gun up until now. Not because he doesn't mean it. But because he doesn't want Gun to be shock again. He wanted to take it slowly.

"Not as beautiful like before" Gun answered making Off's smile slowly fades. Gun then looked at him. "I think it doesn't shine as bright as I remember and it makes the moon less beautiful." he added.

It was again a moment of silent. Off was trying to understand what he meant. Is there another meaning with it? Or it was just like that. Off didn't know. But it aches his heart because it feels like Gun rejected his love.

"Can I ask you something, P'Off?" Gun asked again as he looked back at the stars. Off blinked and tried to pull himself together. He leans against the chair as he clear his throat before answering it.

"Of course you can" Off answered.

"Will you answer it honestly?" Gun asked again making him more nervous.

"I will" his answered almost came whispher.

Off watches Gun as he waits for his question. The younger stayed looking up for awhile before looking at him. He's face isn't blank anymore. Off can see an emotion in his eyes. It makes him even more nervous. He wasn't even be surprise if Gun can hear his heartbeat right now. The pain and confusion in his eyes. It aches him.

"Do we really love each other?"

His question feels like a cold water that washed his heart making it stop beating. His body froze. The cold wind feels like it became colder hitting his skin.

His heart then begun to beat way more faster like it is going to explode anytime.

He tried to open his mouth but no words came out. He watched Gun stared at him, waiting for his answer. The pain in his eyes is showing as Off can't answer his question. All he can do is to apologize by his eyes.

They didn't know how long they keep on staring until Gun stood, looking away. He was about to walk away when Off grabbed his wrist.

"Wait, Gun!" He stood and turn Gun around to face him. Gun looked at him with his unreadable expression.

'I'm sorry'

"I already got the answer, P'Off" Gun said and pulled his hand before walking out of their room.

Off run his fingers through his hair as he frustratedly sat down back. Why does a simple question is hard to answer?

He doesn't want to lie at Gun anymore but he doesn't want Gun to be mad at him either. What could he do? No matter what he do, everything is just not going on his plan.

Tears slipped from his eyes. It's hard. It's hard for him but he knows it is harder for Gun.

Gun then walked away from the house. He's walking alone in a dark road. The only lights is the street light.

He kept on walking, not knowing where to go as he kept on thinking about what happened. Off didn't answer but his eyes did.

He can feel his heart aching. He's broken but there is no tears in his eyes. He doesn't even know how to explain it. It's heavy, it's empty, he's lost. A lot of questions are playing on his mind. A lot of whys, hows, and he don't even know how to answer any of it.

He's been too occupied that he didn't know he is now standing in front of New's condo.

Gun pressed the door bell. He waits but no one opened the door. New must be sleeping now. Of course he is. It's already midnight.

Gun sigh and turn around and about to walk away when the door opened and the familiar voice called him.

"Gun?" His best friend called, trying to confirm if it was really him.

Gun slowly turn around and faced him. He plastered a fake smile, looking at him.

"Can I stay here?" He asked, voice is weak. It was like New already knows Gun needs helps.

"Come in" he said and open the door for him. Gun mumbles a little 'thank you' before entering the condo.

He immediately sat down on the couch as he saw a paper on the other couch. Gun knows what it is. It's a script. It makes him sad even more.

He stayed there, staring at the script that New might be reading before he came here. Gun was supposed to be reading a script of his own series, drama or movie now if he just pursue his dream earlier. 

"Drink this" New came in front of him, offering him a cup of milk. Gun take it and have a sip. He sat down next to him. "What happened?"

Gun sigh and looked at New.

"P'New, I don't want to go back there for now" Gun said.

"Did you remember something about him?" New asked. New is suprisingly calm today. His voice is calm and soft while talking to Gun.

Gun shook his head.

"I just don't feel like living with him. It's torturing me" Gun confessed as he looked down to the cup of milk he's holding.

New didn't ask him further about him not wanting to go home.

"Does Off knows you're here?" New asked. Gun shook his head, eyes are glued on the cup of milk.

He can hear New sighed. He then stood making Gun looked at him.

"I'll call your Dad. He needs to know that you wanted to stay here for awhile" New said before he left the living room to call his Dad. He can't do anything. He can't complain. He's too tired to do that.

"Yes, Uncle. He said he still doesn't remember him." New said after Gun's Dad question. He told him Gun came here and asked him if he could stay over his condo.

"Then, I will let you take care of him, New."

"I will, Uncle. I just want to let you know this so you wouldn't get panick if Off told you he's missing" New said.

Mr. Phunsawat thanks him for taking care of his son before they ended the call.

New entered the living room and Gun is now sleepng. He's sleeping peacefully like he wasn't thinking about anything at all.

He knows from the start that Gun will suffer after the accident. Doesn't matter if he remember it or not. He will still suffer and he's right.

Seeing him suffer like this aches him. He's brave. He's strong. New knows that. But the way he is not saying anything makes him worried.

The Gun he knows keeps on facing the problem alone. He will just say some few words but that doesn't explain all. It wasn't really what's going on his mind. He's not sharing all his problems.

New sigh as he brushed Gun's hair. He feel sorry. It's hard for him to watch his best friend being lost and suffer like this.

"You will get through this, Gun. I will be here. Phi is always here for you" New whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead before lifting him.

New entered his bedroom and layed him down. He stared at Gun for more minutes before he smiled and left the room to call someone.

"Do you have now the answer? It's been days, Phi. You know how great he is"

A/N: Thank you for the 20k reads!!! Sorry for the late update. We've been doing a lot of things in school now

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