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Off woke up the next morning and Gun wasn't sleeping beside him. He sat down and can't help but to hope Gun is cooking a breakfast for the both of them. Like the way he used to.

He walked downstairs and was confused seeing Gun sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV early in the morning. Off walked inside the kitchen. It was clean. He walked back to living room and sits next to Gun.

"What is our breakfast today?" He asked.

"I see. You are looking for breakfast without greeting your husband" Gun casually said sipping on his cap of tea before looking at Off who felt embarrassed. "Are you treating me like a maid before?" Gun then seriously asked.

"O-of course not. I just forgot to greet you. Good morning by the way" Off give Gun a nervous smile. Gun just rolled his eyes before giving his full attention on the TV.

There was again a moment of silent. An uncomfortable silent for Off. He keeps on rubbing his palm againts each other. The sound of the TV is the only thing you can hear inside the living room.

The silent was interrupted by the knocked on their door. Gun immediately stood and walked to open the door while Off watched him with confused face.

"Just like what I said last night, I am not going to cook and clean the house anymore. I haven't talked to my Dad but I will later" Gun said while walking back to Off, now holding a plastic bags. He offers the one plastic bag to Off. "I just ordered breakfast today" he said.

Off gently took it before mumbling a 'thank you'. Gun didn't say anything and goes inside the kitchen to get a 2 bowls for them. Off looked at the plactic bag. It is porridge.

Gun then place the bowl infront of Off since they have a round glass table inside the living room, in the middle of the couches. Off can't help but to smile by Gun who was still serving him.

"You still care for me, aren't you?" Off asked making Gun stopped pouring the porridge on Off's bowl for a moment before continuing it.

"I am just pitying you. You look like the person who can't do anything without my help" Gun casually answered but that only makes Off smile grew bigger.

"You're right. I can't do anything without you. So, you shouldn't leave me" what he said makes Gun completely froze. He stared at Off, their faces are only inches away. Off's smile slowly faded as he looked closely at Gun's beauty. "Don't leave me again like that. Don't make me worry again. Gun, don't ever try to run away from me again. Please" Off said with full of sincerity.

He is staring at Gun's brown eyes. It was suddenly become wet as tears are slowly forming in the corner of his eyes while looking at Off.

Off panicked and feel something inside him broke when he saw the pain in Gun's eyes. He was about to touch his soft cheeks when Gun suddenly stood and looked away.

"I forgot to get water" Gun said as he's leaving the living room to go to the kitchen again.

Off sigh and looked down. He can feel the pain while looking at Gun's eyes. It's aching him so much.

He sighed again before eating the porridge. Gun took 5 minutes before going back with two glass of water. Off watched him walked closer to him. His face is blank again. He put the other glass in front of Off without saying a word before pouring the porridge on his own bowl.

Off just watched him while eating silently. Then a question came inside his head.

"Why don't you want to cook now, Gun?" Off asked. Gun didn't look at him. Off thought he was being ignored by Gun but the younger spoke.

"I don't know how to cook" Gun answered as he grabbed a spoon full of porridge and put it in his mouth.

"You? You cooked very well. I honestly miss it" Off said again as his eyes never leave the younger.

"I don't remember cooking. I don't even know how to cook for myself" he casually said.

"Then, you really learned how to cook for me?" Off asked again making the younger looked at him.

"I don't know. Don't you have work today?" Gun asked getting annoyed again. One of the things he hates the most is being asked a lot of question while eating. Off smiled.

"I have but I think I need to stay with you today." Off said. Gun took the last spoon of his porridge as he brings down the bowl and drinks his water before looking at Off.

"You should go to work. I don't really need your help. I can now move my left arm. Singto and Dad will come over to remove the bandage" Gun explained as he took the bowls and the glasses. Off stopped him

"Let me do it" Off said and Gun just let him since he still doesn't want to have any skinship with the older. It's so uncomfortable which confuses Gun so much since everyone around him is saying he is his husband. He should be comfortable with his husband, right?

Off then prepare to go to work just like what Gun said. He also think he needs to work now because he took the leave for a week.

Off was also excited for some reason, excited because Gun will tie his necktie again. Off never thought he will be excited by this kind of things.

But of course Gun said something about him who can't do anything without his help, saying that what kind of a businessman who can't tie their necktie properly before actually doing it. Off just smiled at Gun.


Off was now on his office. The meeting just finished and now someone is knocking on his door.

"Come in" Off raised his voice for the person behind the door hear him. Off's eyes widened when he saw Arm and Tay.

Tay and Arm never talked to each other after that argument. Off feel sad and hurt but he understand his friend.

"How's Gun? Can he remember something now?" Tay asked shyly. Looking down while sitting on the couch.

"He can't still remember any of us. But he can now move his left arm. He said Singto and his Dad will come over to remove the bandage" Off answered. Tay just nodded.

There was a silent again. Arm was looking at Tay and Off is watching them silently as they talked with their eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Off asked. Arm looked at him as he smile.

"Well, Off. Tay... He want to say something" he said before looking at Tay again, signaling him to say it.

Tay nodded as he stood and walked in front of Off. He took a deep breath before looking at him.

"I- I just wanna s-say..." Tay nervously spoke as Off just watches him. "...sorry. I shouldn't have said that" he added before looking down.

"Why are you saying sorry for what you did?" Off asked making Tay looked at him again.

"My words was a bit harsh. I shouldn't say that like you are not hurting with what happened" Tay explained. Off sigh and stood as he rest his hand on his shoulder. Trying to comfort him.

"What you said was right. No matter how harsh it is, it was still right. I deserved it" Off explained.

"Are we okay now?" Tay asked. Both of Tay and Arm are looking at Off, waiting for his answer.

"But what you said hurt me" Off said as he removed his hand on Tay's shoulder.

"That's why I am saying sorry here, Off" Tay defended.

"Sorry is not enough. You should treat me, asshole!" Off then said smiling, making his friends smile too.

Arm smile in relief when Tay and Off did a bro hug. He was happy his friends are okay. Now, Singto was the only person left. They know they all need to say sorry to him.

A/N: I might can't update for awhile after this because I need to focus on my online classes:)

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