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Gun again was with New. They didn't see each other for a week after visiting Jane's photoshoot.

He was comfortable sitting on the sofa while eating a chips that New gave him.

New came with another bowl of chips. New became busy last week and he got a leave today.

"You look like you're not eating" New commented, forehead wrinkled as he sat next to Gun.

"Come on, we didn't saw each other for a week" Gun chuckled. New then sigh.

"So, what's the news? Did he scold you after the visit?" New asked, picking a fist of chips into Gun's bowl. Gun smiled and shook his head.

"Actually, he became sweeter. I feel bad for thinking he was cheating" Gun answered honestly. He's right. Off became sweeter after that night. He heard what Off said before he fell asleep.

Off one time ordered a food and asked Gun to eat with him. It was midnight and they were eating together, laughing as Off is telling the story of his day. Gun on the other hand was only listening to him.

Off even woke up earlier than he usually wake up. He stayed with Gun and tried to help him cooked breakfast but ended up just sitting and watched Gun because he's just messing up.

Off aren't meant in a kitchen. Because he once again tried to cook dinner when he got home early. But he ended up burning the pot. He almost burned the whole kitchen.

"P'New, let's give him a chance. I swear, P'Off is changing. He isn't the Off that is cold towards me. He isn't the Off that was acting like I wasn't existing. He changed. A lot" Gun said, sitting properly while he turned to faced New who isn't believing what the younger is telling him.

"Still, you need to be careful. I am just worried about you" New said and eats the chips in his hand. Gun smiled as he stood and hugged New tightly making the older stilled in shock.

"That's why I am thankful. Thank you for always thinking about me. But P'New, you also need to take care of yoursel-"

"Ah ah ah. Let go. I can't breath" he said as he continously tapped Gun's shoulder until Gun broke the hugged. New was using his tough guy side of him again.

Gun giggled and sat down again, hugging the other bowl full of chips, giving the other bowl that's almost empty to New.

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me" New said in disbelief as Gun just chuckled at him.

"Anyways, I am getting tired of talking about just me and my marriage life. How about you?" Gun asked. New looked at him again, confused.

"What about me?" New asked.

"You and P'Tay? Did you talked already? After the one night stan-"

"Don't bring it up. I'm trying to forget that night for godsake, Gun" New frustratedly said but Gun just laugh at him.

"Are you really avoiding him? P'Tay looks like he doesn't know anything" Gun said. But he lied. Of course Tay knows everything. He even enjoyed it. New glared at Gun who suddenly became serious. "What?" He asked trying to fight the older's glare.

"It's been a month. And that night is still hunting me" New said as he lean against the sofa. He looks stress and frustrated.

"Is it because you are thinking about it a lot?" Gun asked. New just sigh.

"It just keep on coming back. And I hate it"

"You hate that it happened between the two of you?"

"No. I hate it because he didn't know what happened. I hate how I was the only one who keeps on thinking about it. I hate how I was the only who is suffering because of what happened" New confessed. Gun also sighed.

"So you wished P'Tay remebered what happened?" Gun asked while chewing the chips.

"O- of course not. Not like that. I just wish I also don't remember anything. It's hard for me to talk to him because I always remember that night whenever I see him" New said as he's voice is slowly becoming a whispher.

"But you told me you don't remember anything. You just woke up naked, your bum is in sore. But you don't remember doing it" Gun commented again.

"You're right. But it's obvious that we did it. We- we are both naked. It was embarassing-"

"It's not. Both of you don't remember anything. And also, you are an actor" New's forehead wrinkled.

"What do you mean I am an actor? How does my profession do with our topic?" He asked confusedly. Gun sigh as he looks at New like he was so stupid to not understand what he meant.

"Why don't you use that acting skills of yours in front of him? My god, P'New, have you lost your mind?" Gun unbelievably asked, rolling his eyes. New made a straight face, watching his friend having an attitude in front of him.

"Be thankful I am your bestfriend. I probably punch you right now" New said but Gun just chuckled.

"But seriously, P'New. You just need to get over it. Maybe think that the reason why your bum is hurt that morning because you fell. Something like that" Gun suggested. Also feeling worried. The dark bags under his eyes is getting bigger. That maybe one of the reason why he can't sleep.

New just sigh and opened another topic. He doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to remember it.

Gun stayed there until evening. All he did was to teased the older. About his work, the girl he's been paired of. And even teased New and Jane on their series.

New always rolled his eyes and fought back. But he still is concious about what he will say. Knowing him and his mouth. Just saying whatever he wanted to say without even thinking about the person's feeling.

New was so careful of his words towards Gun. Who would want to hurt Gun? No one.

They looked at each other when someone knocked on New's condo. They both stood and New opened the door. New sigh as Gun's eyes grew bigger when they saw Off standing right infront of the door. Still on his office attire

"P'Off" Gun called.

"I'm here to get you" Off said and smiled.

"Okay. Let me get my things for a sec" Gun said and excitedly run to get his bag and phone.

New stared at Off, he was looking at his neck, it has a lipstick stain. New clenched his fist. Trying to calm himself. He then took a deep sigh.

"Let's go!" New looked at Gun who was smiling so big as he stand next to Off and faced New. Gun hugged him. "I'll leave now, P'. See you around"

New tried to smile and nodded at Gun but his smile faded as his gaze turned to Off.

"Take him home safe" He coldly said. Off just nodded at him and gently grabbed Gun's hand as they leave. Gun waved his hand at New.

New can't help but to feel bad. He feel angry. He was hurting. It's hard for him to see his best friend being happy because of a fool like Off. He took a deep breath and close the door, slamming it.

If Gun was so blind, New will make sure to open his eyes. It doesn't matter if Gun will be hurt. He knows it's none of his business. It's their business for godsake. But he's been holding himself for 2 fucking years. Cheating is too much. New will do everything to make Gun realized it.

A/N: I will make it a little faster since this story is slow. Prepare for the next update. Prepare your heart. Just kidding:)

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