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Gun's POV:

I didn't know how I ended up going back in our cabin.

P'New is just panicking when he saw me in front of it and in a total mess.

I know he's drunk but I think he sobered up after seeing my situation.

He just lay me down on bed where Yanna is laying next to me and he also lay on the single bed just next to ours.

He stayed there and didn't utter any words. He waited for me until I come to my senses and recovered.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" He asked after checking me again.

I chuckled and nodded.

"Tsk. Stop laughing. It's so fake. So what happened?" He asked.

I stared at the ceiling. Trying to find words. Deciding on how to starts telling about what happened.

But nothing came out of my mouth.

"Take your time. You can speak when you feel like it." P'New added when he noticed I was having a hard time.

Damn, what did I even do to deserve this kind of friend?

He turned off the light and came back laying before saying that I can relax more like this.

I stayed still. I couldn't even thank him.

I don't know how long it takes until I feel like speaking.

I also don't know if P'New fell asleep or still waiting for me. I expected him to be. His drunk after all.

"What do you think about P'Off, phi?" I asked even though I know he's sleeping. I just stared at the ceiling.

"He changed a lot." I flinched when he replied.

"You're not sleeping?" I asked.

"Dumbass. I told you I'll wait until you feel like talking. And are you going to ask a sleeping person?" He hissed.

I smiled. I know he's trying to lighten up the mood by doing this.

"You think he changed?" I asked and smiled sadly.

"Everyone does." He replied. "What changed the most were his eyes when looking at you." He added.

"I hated him so much. He hurt you too much. He cheated then have the audacity to take you home when you lost your memory, like forgetting the fact that he's the reason why you're in that state. And then he started acting like he cares about you. Suddenly, he loves you."

I stayed silent and listened to him. Looking back, he even despise him more after the cheating accident.

I lost memory and couldn't get angry. He did that for me. He got angry for me. Because he cared. Because I'm important.

"But I also think about his situation before. He must feel powerless when both of you got married. He can't go against your fathers. He must feel frustrated because he's suddenly married to you. And since he can't fight them, all those anger goes to you. But that doesn't justify his cheating. There's no valid reason on cheating. I hate them the most." He added.

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