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"Ugh! Why do I really have to go with you? I can just go with my friends!" Gun continues to whine as he and his father are getting in the car.

They have a formal party where all of those business minded people are going. Including his friends of course because they were invited. It's quite a big party after all. And tonight, Gun will meet a lot of people who's business minded like what his Dad said.

It's not like Gun doesn't like it. It just that...he's not really interested in business stuff. And it's not like he's father is forcing him. He asked Gun and he can't just say no to his father.

What he doesn't like is the idea of going there early. He would feel alone. His friends would come around 8 pm and it's just 7 pm. He don't think he can stay there feeling left out for one hour.

"Come on, son. Your friends is coming so don't complain anymore" his Dad tried to make him feel better.

"You know I'm not good in making a conversation, right? And I'm going to stay with someone who can't talk anything but business" Gun complained again as he tried to picture some of the scene that might happen later.

Those mid-50's business minded people smiling and complementing him first then they would asked him if he'll be the one who will take over his father soon. The worst part is if they started to tell him about seeing their child, having a blind date with their kids or whatever.

"Don't worry. Singto told me he's already there. You won't be alone" Gun's face lighten up from what he hears.

"Fine. At least he's there. I just hope he won't talk to anyone about business" Gun whispered that made his father chuckled.

"I can't promise you that thing. He's the president after all" his father said. Gun can't do anything but sigh. He just need to hope that his friends would come earlier. He was even hoping they would already waiting for him there.

Gun took a deep breath as he looked at the building. You can tell that there's a big party happening just outside. Cars are all over the place. People wearing branded clothes, showing how wealthy they are.

"Son, let's go" Gun's father called him. Gun sigh before walking next to his father.

What Gun's like is his father doesn't tell him to smile to them. But he knows he need it. Well, Gun is good at faking it anyways.

Before they even enter the door, Gun heard someone saying they are coming.

All of their attention was on them. Smiling and greeting Gun's Dad.

"Is this already your son? Wow he become so handsome and cute!" The woman in her 50's said. Gun smiled and said thank you.

He immediately feel left out as the people who's close to his Dad came to greet him and started talking about business.

Gun doesn't know how long he stayed with his Dad. He stayed there until his Dad is done introducing him to them and his father introducing them to him as if he would remember their names.

"Dad, I'll go look for Singto" Gun finally said it as he wanted to get out of there already. His smiled and nodded.

"I know where he is. He's with my son." One of the man spoke. Gun looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you, mr...uhhh" Gun smiled awkwardly as he doesn't remember his name.

'Dang, Gun. Your father just introduced him to you'

"Mr. Adulkittiporn, son" his Dad whispered to him.

"Thank you, Mr. Adulkittiporn. Sorry I wasn't good at remembering names" Gun immediately apologies.

"It's fine. I understand. You can go now. You're probably sick of us old man" he joked. Gun just laugh awkwardly before he wai'ed and walked away to look for Singto.

But before he looked for him he checked the time and there's still 20 minutes before his friends will arrive.

Gun brought out his phone to text them to go there immediately because he's feeling bored before starting to look around and look for one of his friends.

It's not that hard to look for him because he's young and a lot of people are probably old. But the place is quite big that makes him uncomfortable to look for people and checked if that's Singto.

Until his eyes laid on Singto who's laughing while holding a wine on his left hand and his other hand was inside his pocket. Gun smirked. He really knows how to be cool.

"Singto!" He called but since he's quite far. Singto didn't hear him. He can't do anything but to walk near him.

"Hey, Sing. I've been looking for you everywhere" Gun excitedly said and cling onto his arms without looking to a person Singto's talking right now.

"Hey, Gun. Your early" Singto said and pats his head. Gun pouted.

"Early? I need to go with Dad because he wants me to introduce to his friends when they only talked about business and them hooking me up with their child" Gun started to complain and finally looked at the man who's standing in front of them.

Gun suddenly stopped complaining and his grip on Singto's arm loosen. He was so surprise by how handsome the guy who's in front of him.

Gun looked at the guy up and down as his face started turning red and his heart started racing.

"Ah yeah. Gun, this is Off. My friend. P'Off, this is Gun. The son of the owner of company I'm working" Singto said. Gun immediately reached his hand to offer a handshake.

"Hi! Nice to meet you, Mr. uhhh..." Gun looked at Singto.

"Adulkittiporn" Singto said. Gun raised his eyebrows in surprise as he chuckled.

"What's funny?" The guy in front of him asked making him shut his mouth and his cheeks turned red even more.

"Well, perhaps... are you the son of Mr. Adulkittiporn who's with my father?" Gun asked. Off nodded his head while staring at Gun.

"Well...the thing is I didn't remember your father's name earlier and here I was doing the same thing with his son. My bad" Gun explained.

"I thought you will know him if I tell him his name, Gun. I'm sorry" Singto said instead. Gun shook his head and smiled

"No, it's fine haha." Gun laugh as he doesn't know what to do now because Off's stare is making him uncomfortable.

"Well, then. I should leave both of you. Seems like I'm disturbing your conversation" Gun said.

"No, it's fine, Gun. You can stay her-"

"No, I'm fine. P'New is also on his way. So I'm just gonna wait for him somewhere. Enjoy by the way" Gun said and wave his hand before walking away to them.

And when he did, he stayed there while looking at Off from afar. He's really handsome. He's definitely Gun's type.

Gun can't help but to smile while watching him talk and laugh with Singto. Though it's kinda sad because he didn't act that way when he's there.

Gun opened his eyes and feels his heart beating so fast. He immediately placed his palm on his chest. He sat down calming himself.

'It's a dream, isn't it?'

'Or one of my memory?'

'That dream wasn't bad at all. It seems like a happy memory. But why does my heart is aching?'

Gun clenched his fists as he tried to remember his dream and his chest started to ache even more.

A/N: sorry for updating so late. I'm really sorry🙏🏼

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