23| Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

"Oi, what's the matter with you two?" I chuckled, reaching our table as Monica and Luke shared a quick kiss.

"Ollie's gonna spend the whole day by himself this Valentine's Day," Luke blurted out. "He says Quidditch is his number one priority and it's more important than this time of the year."

Monica and I sniggered at Ollie who just shrugged our laughter.

"That'll be five points from Gryffindor, Ms. Dowson and Ms. Black for laughing at an inappropriate time." spat Snape, who was standing right behind us his ice-cold eyes meeting mine. Monica furrowed her eyebrows in irritation, as I rolled my eyes.

"He has no right to do that." Luke said angrily.

"Well, he probably's that bitter because he just doesn't have a date this Valentine's Day." I smirked, as half of the Gryffindor table roared with laughter.

(a/n: quick interruption!! that line hurts tho HAHAHAHA sorry to all the snape lovers out there if you found that offensive. but anyways let the story continue!!)

"Oh my god! Stop!" Luke said, laughing hardly as he slammed the table in laughter while he clutched his stomach. "Stop before you kill me!"

"Alright, that's enough for you lot! Quiet down before I deduct another ten - no, fifteen points from Gryffindor." Percy rambled, much to everyone's dismay.

The day seemed like no other, just the same schedule. Classes were resumed, we still had our daily meals but towards the end of the day, the spirit of Valentine's was colorful, flourishing and joyous. The once gloomy and annoying Valentine's that Lockhart had made was now gone, and the celebration was again loved by the students. Couples went to their dates, mostly at Hogsmeade and Luke and Monica were among those who departed for the village.

At around 6:55 pm, I immediately went back to the common room instead of attending the festive Valentine's dinner in the Great Hall. I got ready, I tied my hair into a tight bun which was becoming Remus's favorite hairstyle of mine and dressed into a crop-top with jeans and a black blazer. But most importantly, the locket he had given me for Christmas. I swung my shoulder bag over my shoulder to go to his office.

I arrived outside of his office exactly at 7:00, and knocked on the door, hearing a gleeful 'come in' inside. And I did not hesitate to open the door. He was sitting on his desk, ankles crossed. He was wearing a beautiful smile and his hair was tidy. I immediately raced to embrace him, and when I did, I felt his arms wrapping around my waist without hesitation and felt him kiss my hair.

"Ready?" he asked me. 
"For what?" I answered, holding his hand.

"The Remus Lupin Valentine's Day Special of course." he replied, swinging the door of his office open.

"What if somebody sees us?" I said as we headed out of the castle.

"Then, they'll see. But I made sure that nobody will ruin our perfect date together. Just me, and the love of my life." he laughed.

He lead us towards the forest, the two of us holding hands, as we ran through the forest with excitement like small children. We reached a clearing, surrounded by a trees and we got a perfect view of the Black Lake and the castle. There was a small picnic set up, a medium-sized red blanket spread across the grass, a basket of food and two candles which made the scence more romantic.

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