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3rd Person's POV:

~Think about it~

~A/n: 1623 words

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A/n: 1623 words. Lay back and grab something to eat because this thing is hella long

⚠️Trigger Warning: Mature language⚠️

The thing Chan confused the most as he stormed into Julia's hospital room, was the random, unfamiliar guy who was standing in the corner with a bloody tissue in front of his nose.

Chan was angry.

You need reasons?

First of all he was grocery shopping as Wooyoung called him.
Sasaengs spotted him there and he needed to get out as fast as possible.

Second of all he found out that Julia lied to him this whole time.

Third of all the impolite hospital lady didn't want to let Chan in at first, so he stood in front of that hospital for 4 minutes.

And fourth of all this guy was standing in his girlfriend's hospital room.

"Who are you?", Chan asked trying to sound as polite as possible, while taking of his suit. His mask following.

"I'm Josh, nice to meet you", the taller one bowed slightly.

"Josh as in.....Julia's Ex?", Chan couldn't hide the hint of anger in his voice.

"Yes he is. I already punched him, thank me later", Wooyoung said annoyed. He wasn't annoyed at Chan but at Josh and just this whole situation.

"So I guess he knows what I've done back then?", Josh asked, looking at Julia and Wooyoung, who both nodded.

"Oh, I know everything", Chan clenched his jaw, "how could you do such things to her?", he raised his voice stepping closer to Josh.

Usually Chan was a very calm person and incredibly good at controlling himself, but not when it was about Julia.

There were two people he wanted to punch so badly right now; Josh and Jyp.

Josh would lie if he said he wasn't scared of Chan, even though Chan was smaller.

But because of the sleeveless tank top Chan was wearing, Josh was able to see his muscles.

Chan took a deep breath and decided it would be best to keep his anger inside of him, so he went up to Julia's bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?", Chan asked softly, his heart aching like so many times before.

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