I've returned, My Lady.

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"...I'll be back in a short while." Upon giving out his orders, His Majesty disappeared.

Instinctively, I raised my gaze, keeping my footing steady as a violent gust of wind blew past me. The wind pressure nearly swept me off of my feet.

"Ah..." Moments later, I let out a heavy exhale as my hand stopped struggling.

Immediately, I dropped the dagger and held my hands close to my chest. I stared at my trembling left hand, which I used to hold the dagger in disbelief.

How could I not realize my hands were moving on their own?

As soon as that question crossed my mind, my eyes widened upon recalling Lord Ashton hypnotizing me. Alas, he didn't succeed... or so; I thought.

This body was too weak. Even with my strong will, Lord Ashton's spell still got into me. Fortunately, my subconscious mind was ready to counter those evil whispers.

Not long after, the smoke came into a thin fog until it completely receded. I looked around cautiously, furrowing my brows upon seeing the cracks on the ground where His Majesty stood.

Were there cracks here previously? I wondered, but didn't dwell on it as I looked up at the sky.

"Where did they go...?" I whispered, seeing that the sky was as clear as it used to.

"Lady Vera, you heard His Majesty. Please hurry inside and let the royal physician tend to your wounds." Darius cleared his throat, bringing me back from the depths of my thoughts.

Slowly, I turned and faced Darius. I knew he already sounded so distant, but only I could feel his hostility towards me now that I am alone.

Well, I could not blame him. I nearly killed His Majesty that night. And today, I nearly repeated that treason.

Therefore, Darius's hostility was justified. Also, His Majesty trusted this Marquess more than anyone.

I should get this vassal's trust as well. But how?

I peered at Darius from head to toe wordlessly. Just looking at him, I discerned he was the type of man who would devote himself to this kingdom.

The type of knight with a strong sense of patriotism. Someone who was capable and ambitious, but not ambitious enough to overthrow the throne.

"If you're wondering where His Majesty went, he tracked that heretic's trails." Before my words could slip past my lips, Darius stated coldly.

"Then, why aren't you following His Majesty to secure his safety?" I blurted out because of my curiosity.

"Lady Vera, if we were going to discuss my duties for His Majesty's security, I'm afraid I had to start with you." Darius' eyes glinted as his gaze fixed upon me.

Make sense.

For someone like Darius, he would have slain me if His Majesty wasn't protecting me. Fortunately, I haven't lost His Majesty's mercy and Darius couldn't do anything against me.

"My lord, I understand you abhor I am still here. However, I did not intend to harm His Majesty."

I explained, attempting to salvage the irrecoverable impression he had on me. Since I would live the life of this doltish princess, I figured making my life less troublesome was one of my top priorities.

I couldn't move freely if there's a pair of eyes who were watching my every movement. Hence, I had to tame him.

"I never said it was your intention, Lady Vera." Yet, my response didn't affect Darius.

I've expected that. I wouldn't believe my claims myself.

"I will assist you. If you may?" Darius beckoned me the way.

I pursed my lips, keeping the pressure I have been putting on my bleeding palm. Was it really alright that Darius was prioritizing this hand instead of His Majesty's life?

What if Lord Ashton had a trap laid for His majesty? He never had a plan to marry this doltish princess. What if they had foreseen this outcome?

I know I was over thinking. However, I could not help but be concerned regarding His Majesty's safety. Not because I care about him, but because I care about my own life!

If His Majesty had to die, my fate wouldn't be in a better path. I would die even before I could regain my powers and protect myself.

"Darius, leave me." After a long contemplation, I raised my chin and put my hand down.

Darius arched his brows. His forehead creased as he scrutinized my stance.

"Lady Vera?"

I took a deep breath, mustering my courage to encourage Darius to take action.

"I appreciate your good intention. But, His Majesty was out there, fighting. We don't know how many he was fighting at the moment nor we are absolute Lord Ashton didn't have traps laid out for this outcome."

I said without a paused. I looked at Darius, sporting bravery as my countenance.

"This mere wound is nothing. Send aid to His Majesty."

Darius listened and said nothing. All he had done was stare at me with a minor change in his expression.

Was he not listening? Wasn't he worried for his king's life?

I took another deep breath as I balled my hands into a fist. This was all or nothing. I don't want to die alongside this kingdom!

I closed my eyes and swallowed my pride. Before I could hesitate, I got down to my knees with my forehead nearly touching the ground.

"I beg you. Please make sure His Majesty would return safe..." My words trailed off upon hearing the soft thud on the ground.



Slowly, I raised my head a little. As soon as I did, I widened my eyes as I jolted away.

"Ah!" My heart immediately drummed against my chest as my eyes stared at the caused of that sound: a severed head!

"No..." I whispered under my breath as I stared at the golden hair drenched with crimson liquid.

I had swallowed my pride to kneel before someone. All for the sake of securing this life I had mysteriously gained. Yet, all I have done was all for naught, as Lord Ashton's severe head was now lying before my very eyes!

"That's sweet of you, Vivi. It's satisfying to hear you're concerned about me. But, I told you, I'll be back in a short while." Just then, I heard His Majesty's voice behind me.

My spine shuddered as I felt His Majesty's breath kissed my nape.

"I've returned, My Lady."

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