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Silence enveloped the chamber after she dropped the information. I blinked, processing the previous data, which was akin to a tight slap.

"Her Highness had been asking His Majesty's blessing to this betrothal for a long time. Perhaps, Her Highness can finally attain her long wishes."

The servant uttered with a shrug as she continued to fix my hair. Meanwhile, what His Majesty told me back in the tub caused my spine to shudder instinctively .

No, my little servant. I'm afraid this princess' wishes wouldn't be fulfilled. Today would be a requiem of me along with the Le Rouge!

It was though someone splashed me with cold water, waking my brain waves from its constant synapses. Unlike how my body reacted, I am relieved to hear such relevant information beforehand.

I glanced at the servant through the mirror, pursing my lips in a thin line. I noticed the plain pin in her hair. I raised my brows before I narrowed my eyes as I tried to remove it through magic.

To my dismay, the servant had already finished arranging my hair, but the pin remained on where it was. It didn't even move an inch!

"Your Highness, we should proceed to where His Majesty was waiting." The servant delicately linked her hands together as she took a step back and bowed.

Yet, I could only stare at her in the mirror in utter dismay.

Did I lose my powers? I wondered in panic.

In retrospect, the reason they considered me the best witch in my kind was because I could cast a spell without the help of any witchcraft's... accessories.

Moving that tiny pin should be easy; at least for me. It wouldn't even take a tiny part of my life's energy. Hence, why can't I use it?

"Your Highness?" The servant called out once again. Her tone laced with puzzlement. Like I care about her.


I widened my eyes, focusing on strangling the servant through magic. However, nothing happened! I couldn't use magic on neither easy nor difficult spell!

My heart's beating slowed down, I could hear this deafening noise ringing in my ear. "Ugh..."

I covered my ears as the ringing noise grew louder, almost crushing my hearing. "Your Highness? Are you alright?"

This time, I faintly heard the servant's concern before the ringing abruptly halted. As soon as the ringing noise halted in a snap, I felt this strange relief as I massaged my tragus while putting a little pressure in a circular motion.


"Your Highness?"

"This can't be real..." I whispered as I realized that losing my life once, I also lost my abilities.

How can I protect myself? How could I avenge myself? What would happen to me? This new lease on life was surely not a gift... it's a curse!

As the realization struck me, I panted. Myriads of thoughts, concerns, questions, and everything just came, muddling my thought process until I could only stare at the servant blankly.

"Huh?" Baffled, the servant tilted her head to the side as she looked at me through the mirror.

"Do you have a name?" After a long silence matched with just me and the servant silently exchanging eye contact, my lips finally parted as words slipped past them.

Surprised, the servant furrowed her brows. From the memories I have gathered, I never heard the doltish princess call the servant by her name.

Therefore, I could assume she didn't have a name yet. Only nobles and middle classes citizen could have the ability to give their kin a temporary name.

However, once a person enters the palace, where they ought to lose their name and lived nameless. Only the King who owned them had the authority to name his direct subject.

From the least important servant to the most important subject — including the Queen — the King had all the authority on controlling everyone's lives. This tradition had been a practice to many kingdoms.

It was the monarchy's way to discipline their subject, so they'd learn to obey the king and his orders.

But there's also an unwritten reason for that. That was in case a nameless had to die, no one would remember his/her name.

"I... I do not, Your Highness." The servant hung her head low, answering in a muffled tone.

I noticed her tone was laced with surprised and panic. I assumed she had a name once, but now that she's a servant under me, the King must have removed her name and she had to severe her ties with her family — if she had one.

"Tani," I muttered before a clenched my teeth as I felt my jaw tightened. "Your eyes bore the colors of Earth, yet it flickers from warm tawny turning to a beautiful amber hue constantly."

Slowly, the servant raised her head. Her eyes wide, her jaw hung as the tip of her ear reddened. It was safe to say my words flattered her.

I didn't have a choice. I would never compliment someone below me. Not to mention, someone who verbally maltreated me, or rather, the previous owner of this body.

However, with me who lost her powers, I had this strong need to gather my allies as soon as possible. Thus, I instantly figured what I had to do next.

"I will gift you the name Tani, if you..." This time, I paused as I broke my gaze from the mirror and stood slowly.

Upon facing the servant, I raised my chin up while she looked up. "Swear your loyalty to me, acknowledge me as your master; live and die serving me with the honor of the name I have given upon you."

The servant's lower lip trembled, I could see her shock, fear, and confusion mixed into one. Understandable, because no one would think that this princess was capable of knowing such basic traditions.

Most of all, giving her a name comes with responsibility. If this servant betrayed the King, I would be to blame. I am risking a gamble; I am well aware of that.

"Your Highness..."

She called out faintly; I didn't break my gaze away from her. Time ticked slowly as silence started embracing the two of us.

Moments later, the servant suddenly dropped to her knees and bowed. "I dare not have a name, but if Her Highness offered me undeserving opportunity, I would lay my life and serve Her Highness even if it's against death."

I nodded in satisfaction. You should, Tani.

"Very well, Tani. Now, bring me to His Majesty. I must see him at once."

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