The Ball

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I was in a trance for a very long time as I've returned to reality. I could still feel my heart drum against my chest as I finally understood how I ended up waking up in that blood stained room.

Those blood... those weren't mine, but His Majesty. No wonder this body didn't have any wounds, despite being covered with blood.

What happened for the rest of that night was still vague. Still, I could remember snippets of that night whenever the princess regained her consciousness for a brief moment before losing it again.

That brief journey in that memory was truly an eye opening. Finally, everything made sense.

And the culprit of how that incident started was standing before me.

Lord Ashton Le Rouge.

This man... I had already known he was nothing but a pretty face. Despite his natural gentle appearance, what lies within was a rotten soul.

I was correct in my first impression; Lord Ashton didn't just resembled Joseph in appearance, but also his despicable nature. How dare he taint these innocent hands or even attempt to control me against my will?

Slowly, I closed my eyes, breathing in and out as I calmed my nerves from exploding. No, he was not the perfect candidate to be my pawn.

However, he was the perfect example of how I would end Joseph. Good thing he resembled Joseph. At the very least, I'll be satisfied once he meets his demise.

Too bad, though.

With my current state, I couldn't possibly do anything to him right now. If only I could, Lord Ashton would've perished the moment I returned from those memories.

With a smile, he looked at me in the eye. "We will soon live happily."

Huh... you make me laugh, my lord.

I was a witch and still have the heart to be one. Thus, I knew that the spell that was cast upon the princess didn't end with just the order to slay His Majesty.

They ordered the princess to take her own life, whether she succeeded or failed. I was unsure how the spell broke, but certainly, His Majesty holds the answer.

I followed Lord Ashton as we walked down the gravel walk's path. He continued to express his disgusting deception while I kept my silence the entire time.

The corner of my lips stretched into a smirk. This man's audacity knows no bounds, and I felt sick every second I spent with him. Hearing his voice in the background stained the serene peace of this garden.

Still, I finally grasped the reason His Majesty proposed this walk. My assumptions might be inaccurate, but His Majesty was probably giving me a chance to change my mind.

His Majesty had given me his word that he would fulfill the princess' wishes. Her wish to have his blessing for this betrothal.

However, since it was me who awoke in this body, he must have felt conflicted. What this princess previous desires contradicted mine.

The princess was eager to marry this Lord, but I opposed the very idea of marriage. She wanted to flee, but I'd rather be here.

What a comical turn of events, indeed!

"Right. I received a letter from your sister. She said in her letters..."

"My Lord, you must comeback to the training grounds at once. His Majesty... he —"

Suddenly, in the middle of our comical date, one knight under Lord Ashton appeared out of nowhere. His expression aghast, akin to a knight returning from a fierce battle.

I glanced at Lord Ashton and I could tell by his expression something terrible happened. It must be His Majesty.

"What happened to His Majesty?" Lord Ashton inquired, his eyes sharpened while I kept silent.

"His Majesty said he wanted to play ball with you, Your Grace." Upon uttering his news, the little blood that was giving colors to the knight's lips disappeared.

I furrowed my brows. I've recalled His Majesty mentioning this earlier. However, why does everyone seem mortified?

"That...!" Lord Ashton curved his hand into a fist as he ground his teeth.

"My lady, it seemed we have to return to His Majesty."

He added. I nodded as an answer and followed their tracks. Both of them hastened, forgetting there was a delicate lady behind them.

I don't understand their urgency, but I understand that Lord Ashton was anxious. I have done nothing, he should be anxious once I did.

Soon, we've returned to the plain greenery where we left His Majesty. Everything appeared to be the same, just like how we've left the area.

Aside from the ornate iron cast seat where His Majesty perched and two empty seats, nothing was new. Well, the numbers of knights on site had doubled.

"Your Majesty," I followed Lord Ashton's tracks until he stood before His Majesty.

As usual, Lord Ashton didn't forget to give respect to his king. I didn't.

Someone nearly hypnotized me. Might as well act like I was.

"How was the walk, Lord Ashton?" His Majesty glanced at me as he inquired, bearing his usual tone.

"Your Majesty, I heard you proposed to play ball." Instead of answering His Majesty's query, Lord Ashton delved into his primary concern.

"I do, Your Lordship. We must celebrate your betrothal, don't we? Hence, a little game would liven up this celebration." His Majesty shrugged before he shifted his gaze to Lord Ashton.

"Don't you agree with me, Ashton?"

A glint flickered across His Majesty's eyes as the side of his lips stretched into a smirk. I furrowed my brows and unknowingly tilting my head to the side.

I had been seeing His Majesty's naturally intimidating gaze. However, this was the first time I've seen them glint with malice.

Right now, His Majesty appeared he had been craving for blood and someone would have to shed their blood to quench that hunger. This king, shrouded with mystery... I thought I already figured what kind of man he was, but I was wrong.

After seeing his merciful and foolish side from those memories, seeing his repressed fierceness sent me a tremor of excitement.

Lord Ashton swallowed hard as he exchanged gazes with his Majesty. After his long silence, he hung his head low.

"Certainly, Your Majesty."

Upon agreeing with His Majesty, Lord Ashton suddenly wielded his sword. What happened next had shaken me awake.

Lord Ashton faced the knight we walked back with. Within seconds, that knight... his head rolled over to the ground before his body collapsed separately as Lord Ashton exhibited a clean cut.

"He was an excellent servant and it'll be his honor being off used as His Majesty's ball." Lord Ashton, with no remorse, faced His Majesty and bowed.

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