Bad Influence

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We headed to the chambers where His Majesty awaits for me. All doors were designed almost exactly the same, they were old; inhaled the moist of all the previous seasons and exhaled on its riped surface.

We walked and walked... passing by closed doors every so often. To be exact, I unconsciously counted the doors, and we passed by three so far.

Strange, I thought. This place was undoubtedly huge, but there were nothing but concrete walls, long hallways, shut doors, and silence. It was akin to a penal underground dungeon. But we're coming from above.

Currently, we were heading to the stairs going down. It felt like eternity just walking. My heart could not help but beat anxiously as I recapped the occurrences from the very beginning.

First, I died after casting the spell upon the Cez Kingdom.

Second, I mysteriously woke up in this body of the doltish princess who seemed to be in a difficult predicament.

And lastly, I lost my powers? No, I would say I temporarily can't to use it. I don't know the reason yet, but I could still feel the faint powers within me.

Witches only stopped being a witch once they died. However, although I died, my soul got transferred to this body mysteriously.

Therefore, I shouldn't have lost my powers. It was not our worldly body why we could use magic; it was our souls and will.

The deafening noise that struck my ears moments ago proved this theory. A powerful spell had sealed my abilities.

Now that some pieces were clear to me, including the original owner of this body's problem, I must see His Majesty. I hate to admit it, but I am in a vulnerable state.

I need the King's protection until I figure out how to unseal my powers. Until then... I have to do what it means to survive.

As I walked with my mind wandering elsewhere, I didn't notice we've arrived. Only when Tani announced our arrival, I snapped me back to my current reality.

I raised my head, glancing at the Knights clad with heavy steel armor standing still in front of the door.

"His Majesty had summoned Her Highness to join him." Tani bowed, holding her hand on her abdomen as she spoke politely.

I remained standing behind her, scrutinizing everything and etched every tiny detail I could in my memory. As I do, I noticed the doors seemed to be newly replaced.

Unlike all the old wooden doors we passed by, the one before me was different. Aside from how new it appeared to me, the design on the door was also different with an ancient marking of those similar to the extinct Dragon's Clan.

Upon hearing Tani, the knights guarding the door stepped to both sides. I glanced at them before shifting my gaze to Tani, who also stood on the side, leaving me in the middle standing in front of the door.

No one spoke as they wait for me to enter the chambers alone. I took a deep breath, setting my eyes on the door that emanated a strong force from the other side.

I mustered my courage as my eyes glinted. What awaits me from the other side of this door was the King I had just met.

He was the man who had my life on his palm currently. My life and death was all onto his decision whether to close his hands and crush me to death, or let it open.

Soon, the door creaked on its own, which startled me a little. Magic? I wondered as I tilted my head a little to the side to peek if there were people inside opening it.

To my relief, there were at least four knights opening the door slowly. I kept my posture as the door opened until a person could fit.

One after another, the knights went out, bowing to me before they proceed to stand on the side along with the two knights that were guarding the door.

When the last knight stood on the side, I took another deep inhale and discreetly exhaled it through the gap of my lips. With that, I swallowed hard and entered the chambers.

I won't die again... I whispered internally as I strode forward. Silence welcomed me in this surprisingly lavish room.

Unlike my untidy old room, this one was clean. The naked eye could not see a speck of dust, the subtle smell of lilies wafted my nose; furnitures that were crafted meticulously had a distinct small markings of the dragon's clan.

A bed was in the middle with a red silk dripping down around it, enough to see someone's shadow at night. But at the moment, the bed was empty. Thus, I traveled my eyes around.

I stopped upon noticing the windows — they were lots of them, which granted me to see what was outside. From my standpoint, I could see another towering castle not far away.

This very moment, I figured this was just another vassal castle from the main castle. I could see a long enclosed bridged that connected this tower to the main castle.

It was strange of me to admire the architectural design of the castle and how large it was. The Cez Kingdom's castle wouldn't even compare in terms of elegance and grandness.

"You should stop talking to yourself, Vivi." Suddenly, as the view strayed me away from my initial intentions of why I was here, I heard the familiar monotone voice of the King.

"That person you're talking is corrupted." When I turned my head in the direction of his voice, I saw him shrug his shoulders nonchalantly.

Pardon? Corrupted, who? Me?

The King was just there, leaning on the wall, with his arms crossed under his chest and his eyes on locked me. I furrowed my brows, tilting my head as I repeated the words he had uttered.

"Corrupt influence?" I asked, keeping myself safe with my queries this time.

"Mhm," He nodded, humming in a low tune before setting those pair of black orbs back at me. "Are you ready? The Le Rouge were here, and the preparations were completed as well."

Preparation? You mean our funeral?

Slowly, he moved his eyes to one of the window, staring at something I didn't know. Out of curiosity, I looked at where he was staring, but what I could only see was what I have seen earlier — nothing new.

"They were vexed, huh... what a silly human beings rushing to their graves." He muttered, which threw me in a pool of confusion.

Could he probably see something I couldn't? Was he gifted with clairvoyance?

"Are you seeing things I could not?" Without a second thought, my query slipped past my lips before I could stop myself.

When I did, I cleared my throat and added, "Your Majesty?"

Upon asking such questions, I saw him blink ever so slowly. His pretty long eyelashes fluttered before his eyes were on me again.

Slowly, His Majesty drew his back against the wall as he strode towards me. My feet were about to instinctively take a step back, but I balled my hands tightly and remained still.

Gracious... I still don't have full control of this body, as it often reacts on its own whenever I am around him. Why was the doltish princess so afraid of him?

Well, that was a stupid question. Obviously, she would be afraid because she lacked knowledge; knowledge was power and could also be a person's strength.

I saw him, glanced over my trembling shoulders, before he raised his sharp eyes on me once again and sported a playful smirk. "You're shaking... be at ease. All I can see and hear is what I can... not what lies beneath that dress."

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