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I choked, coughing as I heard his savage remarks. Well, not that I'm surprised at his honesty as it suits his character.

"Lulu, are pigs monster?" Despite the savage remarks, the young princess didn't take offense.

Well, she didn't take offense when she was being bullied. Hence, why would she get angry hearing it from someone else?


"Then, why does my brother called me a monster when I'm a pig?" She innocently asked, puffing her cheeks adorably.

I rolled my eyes and felt a faint yet sudden headache. It was uncreative insult, don't take it literally, young girl.

After I shook my head lightly, I set my eyes on His Majesty's side profile. Now, I'm interested in what kind of ridiculous explanation would he tell her.

"its human nature and their vices." After a long silence, his lips parted to answer the little girl's query.

However, his answer only added confusion to the little girl. She blinked her eyes, cocking her head to the side.

"What is human vices, Lulu? Is that the reason my brother and sister hate me?"

"You can say that. Humans facade their fear into hatred." Again, His Majesty's words were nothing but vague. At least for an innocent child.

As for me, I've understood him very well. Indeed, humans masquerade their fears as hatred. Humans were weak; compare to the other races that existed in this world.

Hence, they received the sympathy of dragon clan; the race that stood among all races, the keeper of peace and order, the ones who balanced the world. The legendary dragon clan protected them for thousands of years.

But humans were greedy.

According to legends, humans were the reason dragons have gone extinct. How they did it was never written in the scriptures. But the extinction of the legendary race marked humans' domination.

Now, eons later, this world that was once united was divided into many kingdoms. Humans ruled most of the kingdoms.

"Lulu, you always say things I don't understand." The doltish princess pouted. Her words snapped me back to the current lapse.

"You will, eventually." He answered, slowly looking in my direction.

I jolted as soon as our eyes met. Can he see me? I wondered in panic. I could feel my heart racing anxiously as I discerned he was indeed staring at me.

"Your, Your Majesty...?" I called out awkwardly, raising both my brows as I felt he caught me red-handed.

Was it even possible that he could see me? But aren't we in a memory of the doltish princess?

"I will?" said the young princess excitedly.

"Yes," Still looking in my direction, he answered with a mere nod.

"When, Lulu? When I'm at the age of marrying you?" Elated, the doltish princess glided in front of him.

She looked up at him, holding her dirty hands together. I heaved a sigh of relief as he retracted his gaze away from me and set them back on the little girl.

"No," He shook his head, placing his hand over the girl's head. "Once you've survived the harsh blow of the wind, the torrential cry of the sky; the wrath of the sun, the piecing coldness of the wintertide, and the voices beneath the earth, you will."

He paused, patting her head gently before he resumed.

"It will shape you and make you bloom into a beautiful flower with the knowledge of the world."

Yes, Your Majesty. That girl understood you very well. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as this king of the land of Esmond wasn't even exerting effort to speak the same language as the little girl.

"Lulu, I will become a flower?"

"Yes," He nodded before he slowly shifted his eyes to my direction once again. "And when the time comes, I'll be with you. You'll never be alone again."

As he uttered his last remarks, my heart skipped a beat. He was looking straight into my eyes, as if he meant his words for me.

This wasn't a mere coincidence, was it?

"Lulu, I don't understand what you're saying, but I want to be with Lulu! Lulu is kind! I love Lulu!" As honest as she was, the doltish princess grinned widely as she professed her innocent love to someone thrice older than her.

I exchanged eye contact with him before he broke his gaze away and turned to the young princess.

"I am never kind, Vivi."

He whispered and poked her forehead by his finger lightly.

Suddenly, the life in the eyes of the princess dimmed. Slowly, she collapsed, and he caught her small frame by his arm.

Without regards to the mud that tainted his sleeve, he carried her in his arms as he stood. Yet, instead of carrying her away, he faced my direction.

'I'll wait for your return.' He mouthed.

I've read his lips before he turned his back against me and walked away with the little girl in his arms.

Wait for my return? I didn't hear him, but if I read his mouth correctly, he said he would wait for my return?

I watched his figure grew smaller and smaller as he trudged away.


I ordered, raising my voice, but it didn't stop him. Was it because he couldn't hear me?

"Wait!" I tried once again, but to no avail. "Wait, Lulu!"


"Lulu..." I whispered, hearing my own weak voice as I opened my eyes.

I could feel my body's heaviness, my muscles numb. Yet, I could feel the consistent movements of where my body was at.

Slowly, I blinked my eyes until my vision grew clearer. As soon as I did, my eyes widened upon laying my eyes on this mysterious king's visage from below.

"Stay still." Without looking at me, he uttered.

Currently, he was carrying me in his arms. Just like in those memories.

But to where?

I glanced at the hallway and unlike the unfurnished walls from before, the ones we're passing by were furnished in a pearly white hue.

Unaware, my hands clenched on his chest as my body shrunk closer to him. My mind could still remember the memories I've seen from a fresh perspective.

And this man who was also the king... I tightened my grip until my hands trembled. I was uncertain, but one thing I'm definite about was that what this doltish princess knew was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Lulu..." I whispered while I watched my breathing that was growing awfully heavy.

The doltish princess didn't have a single memory of him. In the original memories, the princess would fall asleep in the mud and would wake up on the bed.

Now that I've gone through the original memoirs, I noticed it made little sense. The princess was a slow-learner, but not physically weak.

She wouldn't faint easily. Hence, I tested if this king would recognize the name I used to call him... silly me. It wasn't me who gave him that name; it was the original owner of this body.

Nevertheless, I wanted to test if someone overwrote the memories of the doltish princess.

Just as I thought, as soon as the name reached his ear, the king abruptly stopped and gaze down with eyes full of surprise.


I smiled, something that my subconscious mind ordered me to. I know my eyes were forcing me to close and rest them, but I wouldn't miss the opportunity to safeguard myself.

'Don't kill me,' was what I planned to say. However, the words that slipped past my lips were different.

"Lulu, don't send me away again." I whispered before I submit to the darkness, voluntarily.

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