Ashton Le Rouge

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Upon His Majesty's agreement, I followed him to his destination. While doing so, I familiarized myself with his grand abode.

Currently, we've reached the pristine green garden spanning hundreds of acre. Its elegance momentarily stunned me; a raised garden filled with water basins, canals, fountains, gravel walk, and parterre with a distinct curlicue patterns.

I breathe in, relishing the fresh air. What a pleasant weather.

Soon, the guarding knights came to my sight. They looked perfect with them just standing not far away like statues.

I glanced at them as we passed by. The second I did, I leapt towards His Majesty as I've met the eyes of one of the knight whose eyes were hidden beneath his metal head armor.

His Majesty cast me a side eye but said nothing. He continued in his strides, while I kept myself close to his proximity.

It was safe to consider that the safest place was being close to him. He said he respected my decision; I believed him.

I may have lost my powers, but I could discern a lie easily. And His Majesty was sincere. That, I'm certain about.

Not long after, we reached the end of the vast garden and arrived at the plain greenery. This time, it graced my eyes with several knights loitering around.

There were stables in sight; an archery target where some knights aimed their arrows, and the sound of swords clashing echoed in the air. It appeared to me that this was the training ground of the knights serving His Majesty.

Upon our arrival, everyone halted and turned in our direction. It was just His Majesty and me; I still wondered why no one assisted His Majesty on our way.

It didn't matter to me, though.

The knights beckoned to give respect to their ruler, their fist before their chest as they bowed. I pursed my lips, taking small steps closer to His Majesty.

Unconsciously, I was holding my hands close to my chest as I glanced up at him. To my surprised, His Majesty was looking in my direction but remained silent.

Whenever he opens his mouth, I get flustered. But his silence tugged my curiosity for an unknown reason.

I whispered internally before shrugging my thoughts away. I needed to focus and list down the candidates for my revenge plans.

"Your Majesty, thank you for gracing us with your presence." Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts as a knight appeared in front of us.

He was kneeling with his one knee, his arm over his other leg, and his head hung low. There were four knights behind him, doing the exact stance of the man who greeted His Majesty.

"Enough with the pleasantries, Lord Ashton. Rise." Like his usual cold, monotone voice, His Majesty ordered and beckoned them to stand.

I tilted my head, staring at Lord Ashton, who was supposed to be this doltish princess' husband. Slowly, he rose and lifted his head up.

Golden hair, eyes that shared the color of the vast ocean, narrow nose, and thin plum lips. What a beauty.

Compared to His Majesty's intimidating demeanor, this vassal of his bore a unique aura emanating from him. He looked gentle and kind, the complete description of how a prince looked like in children's tale.

Alas... I've had enough of these kinds of men.

I let out a discreet sigh. Lord Ashton resembled my former spouse, Joseph. Both had golden hairs that were as bright as the sun, cerulean orbs that were as clear as the ocean's surface.

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