A glimpse of the ocean's depth

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As I've stormed away, I glanced back discreetly just to see His Majesty smiling while talking to Darius!

The audacity!

His smile and nonchalance made my blood boil. After sending me with this man who resembled that ingrate, he had the gall to laugh!

I scoffed, halting in my tracks. I need to breathe and calm down. This was not the time to lose my composure.

I breathed in and out, calming my nerves to clear my mind. There's no need to welcome this building up fury within me.

I calmed my mind, repeating the rational reasons I should remain level-headed. As I do so, I nearly forgot the existence of Lord Ashton, who was watching from behind.

"Vera?" He called out, tilting his head as his eyes flickered with puzzlement.

Calm down. Ease your mind and heart.

"Did I do something that displeased my lady? If so, you can tell me so I can avoid it in the future." He uttered, ready to compromise.

Slowly, I turned around and faced him. "Nothing, My Lord. I just remembered the person in my dreams. Thus, I was a little... upset."

I lied, forcing a smile on my lips. Since this princess entire face was a perfect representation of innocence, I was confident he would buy this lie.

I was correct.

"I see..." Lord Ashton nodded in understanding as he heaved a sigh of relief. "Fret not, once we made our vows, I would assure you that person in your dreams wouldn't antagonize you further."

Lord Ashton smiled, his countenance gentle. However, no matter how kind he appeared, my heart felt doubtful.

"Shall we?" Once again, he laid out his hands to me, bearing that kind smile.

"Mhm," I nodded, letting out a soft hum, but didn't accept his hand.

Instead, I turned and headed towards the garden. Since I've barely remembered the detail of the castle, the garden was a good place to take a walk.

Also, while I'm at it, I could ask a few questions for Lord Ashton to get a good grasp of his relationship with His Majesty. Surely, I could think clearly in a calm state.

Soon, we've arrived at the beautiful serene garden. I like this place the moment I laid my eyes upon it.

The two of us walked, sharing a moment of silence. I could feel his gaze constantly on me, while I feigned ignorant. I've known that this princess' face was adorable and an eye candy to look at.

If not for her lack of intellect, she would be perfect. Well, it's never too late for that, for I am here to make her one.

"Gardens brings back memories," Lord Ashton muttered as he breathed in. "I remembered the time we've first met. It looks exactly like this one."


I arched my right brow, glancing at his side profile as he pluck out a fresh red rose. Poor flower, it was living its life in peace until he pluck it out that would have caused it to wither in a few days.

With a smile, he held the rose near his nose and enjoyed its scent.

"At first, you were vigilant and expressed your disliking towards me. It broke my heart. But as time went by, you showed your carefree nature around me."

Lord Ashton continued to reminisce while I racked the memories of this doltish princess. I've already recalled those memories more than I could in a brief span of time.

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