Pig in the mud

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In a vast garden I've never stepped afoot before, I watched three children that had yet to know the world.

"Ah!" The little girl squealed as she dropped to the mud, tainting her pretty noble-looking dress.

With teary eyes, she looked up to the two little children; one was a young, beautiful girl and the other one was a boy. They were looking down at her, laughing out loud at the misfortune of the young girl they had caused.

"Brother... sister..." The little girl with a bright auburn hair and dark crimson eyes called out softly before she bit her lower lip to suppress herself from crying.

"Vera is a pig! Vera should swim in the mud! Hahaha!" The young boy ridiculed, followed by a series of devious laughters.

"What an annoying spawn of evil." I whispered as I watched the two wicked children bully their youngest sister from a distant.

"Brother... why...?" On the verge of crying, little Vera stared at his big brother. I could see her puzzlement flickering in her crimson eyes on why her siblings were treating her terribly.

Good Lord! The answer was obvious. She was being bullied because she's weak. She should stand for herself because no one else would.

I looked around, recognizing the vast garden as the garden I had glimpsed upon moments ago from the chambers I've been with His Majesty. And these three children... I could recognize them clearly.

The bullies were the doltish princess's siblings and the one who was being maltreated was none other than Vera; the doltish princess whom I shared the same name with.

Obviously, we bore the same name but not the same life. I had let this coincidence slip, but whenever someone mock her name, I could not help but take it personally.

Thus, for that reason, I raised my right brow. I looked at the vile little boy before he suddenly tripped while standing still and swam in the mud — face first.

"Brother!" The evil sister called out in panic, surprised at the abrupt turn of events.

"Who pushed me?!" The young boy shouted.

I giggled, seeing his furious face covered with filthy mud.

"It was karma who did, young one." I smirked, satisfied at my meddling because he deserved it.

How dare he speak my name with contempt? Although I knew it was not me whom he was calling, that doesn't pardon his actions.

"Brother, it's not me!" The other girl immediately exclaimed her innocence, expressing it by holding her hand up in the air.

The young doltish princess who was baffled at the entire situation darted her innocent eyes from her brother to her sister. As I studied the doltish princess, I shook my head lightly.

"Young girl, suppress your laughters... don't..."

Just as I uttered my words, the doltish princess laughed out loud at the sight of her brother. I sighed and rolled my eyes. She just made things worse.

"Hahaha! We're both pigs now, brother! Run, big brother! Sister will eat us!" The doltish princess happily exclaimed as if she had forgotten that the two were a team.

Upon hearing her, I pinched the bridge of my nose in distress. No ignorant little girl. They're not here to play pigs with you!

"It's you! You're a monster and a pig, and you're the one who pushed me!"

Like what I had guessed, the doltish princess made it worse. The young boy exploded in anger as he accused the doltish princess before he unhesitantly pounced on her.

"Ah, brother!" The doltish princess called out helplessly as her brother pushed her forcefully to the mud until the back of her head was drenched with filth.

"Monster! You're a pig and pigs should be in the mud!" The young boy and girl shouted repeatedly until they had enough.

"I will tell what you did to Father!" As he got up on his feet, the young boy harrumphed before he stormed away.

The audacity!

After bullying his little sister whom he should protect, he had the gall to tell her to their father? I swear, if only I could move at this moment, I would have taught these two little devils a lesson.

Yet, I couldn't. I couldn't move and been stuck in this position from the moment I regained consciousness. At first, I was a little baffled, but I figured I was conscious only in the memories of this princess.

I had seen this scene from the plethora of memories that weren't mine... as I recalled the memories, I also remembered the exact scene of the young boy tripping to the mud.

Coincidence? Probably.

Now that the two were gone and the young princess remained laying in the mud, I sighed. I don't have the time to hop from memories to memories, I wouldn't bear the mental distress watching her series of misfortune while I was unconscious in real life.

I knew that simple fact as I collapsed after my brief... interaction with His Majesty. The reason I collapsed was still a mystery, but I wouldn't get an answer if I would be stuck in these memories.

I thought of ways to wake up, closing my eyes as I repeated the words, "wake up". After a while, I opened my eyes to see if I'm back to reality.

To my dismay, the doltish princess was still there and I'm still in this memory.

"Why should I have to see this?" I muttered in dismay, sighing as I massaged my temples.

Little did I know, I would get my answer sooner than I thought. As I massaged my temples, I caught a figure from the corner of my eyes.

Instinctively, I moved my gaze in his direction. The instant I laid my eyes on his ethereal beauty, my eyes widened.

"Your majesty? Why is he here and..." I gasped, swallowing hard as the man I've been with last was here?

Just like what he appeared in when I first met him, the King of Esmond seemed he had stopped aging. He appeared the same with this memory and from before I lost consciousness.

The doltish princess was young, yet the King of Esmond wasn't. He was already in his prime age... was he a vampire?

I couldn't assume otherwise because vampires stopped aging the moment they turned to one. However, this rule only applied to humans turning to vampires and not to the complicated hierarchy of their race.

I watched him blankly as he approached the doltish princess. The doltish princess turned her head in his direction before a wide smile resurfaced on her face.

No... this was never in those memories. This was, without a shadow of doubt, different!

His Majesty soon stopped steps away from the mud where the princess lies. Slowly, he squatted down, resting his arms over his leg while the young princess assisted herself to sit up.

He gazed at her, scrutinizing her dirty figure before a glint flickered across his eyes. "Young girl, you look like a pig in the mud."

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