Who are you?

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Momentarily, my mind went blank and solely focused on the royal physician's last remarks. Openly claimed his disinterest?

"Forgive my inept ability to explain clearly, Your Grace."

The royal physician exclaimed politely and sincerely. I've been speechless as I watched him.

I thought he was indirectly badmouthing His Majesty, thinking I lack understanding. But his actions and expression spoke otherwise.

Who would believe such absurdness?

Although this royal physician didn't seem he was making it up. I just couldn't believe it. Instead, he was confusing me even more.

Goodness... I think he should also treat my constant headaches from everything that had transpired until now. I had too much to think about, and this royal physician's claims just added to the piles of details I had to take in.

I feel my brain was on the brink of exploding. This new lease on life wasn't that easy, huh?

Suddenly, the door slightly opened, which caught my attention. Tani carefully entered with a bow.

"Greetings to Her Highness. His Majesty was requesting..."

Tani's voice trailed off as soon as His Majesty walked passed her. She kept her bowing posture as the king trudged towards me.

To be truthful, I barely have energy to hold a proper conversation. If only I can, I just want some peace and alone time for me to think properly.

My mind had more than enough information, and it wasn't near fascinating at all!

"Your Majesty," The royal physician stepped aside as he settled for a neck bow.

I lifted my body, doing a small curtsy to greet His Majesty. "Greetings to His Majesty,"

I nearly rolled my eyes as I secretly clicked my tongue. Although I didn't want unwanted visitors at the moment, it was His Majesty and I couldn't carelessly test his patience with me.

This princess had betrayed him before. And I nearly did the same earlier. Thus, I'm afraid that pushing my luck too far would make him snap.

I wouldn't be able to protect myself with my current state... and I hated I had to submit because I was weak.

"Since when did you learn to do this small curtsy before me?"

Since the moment I realized you could snap my neck any time you decided to.

"I learned it from Tani, Your Majesty."

Naturally, my answers were the complete opposite of what I wanted to say. I raised my head even before he could permit me.

"Tani?" His Majesty raised his right brow, tilting his head a little.

"Tani is my servant. I have given her a name." I pursed my lips in a thin line, forcing the down curve of my lips upward.

The only thing that was good in this mysterious occurrence I've experienced was this body's appearance and naturally sweet voice. No matter how sarcastic I wanted to, it still sounded stupidly innocent.

It was a perfect camouflage for manipulation. Yet, my heart couldn't feel the excitement I had previously with all these stresses weighing on my shoulders.

His Majesty glanced at Tani, who lowered her bow deeper. Tani seemed terrified of His Majesty.

I wanted to ask myself, why? However, I've been asking that question to myself all throughout the day.

What did I get? Nothing.

Just a pile of why's with little to no clarification.

His Majesty nodded in understanding before he returned his gaze back to me. The royal physician discreetly distanced himself while Tani didn't move a muscle.

"Tani," While staring at me, His Majesty called out.

From my peripheral vision, I caught Tani jolted and tremble upon hearing His Majesty.

I'm not curious why she's jumpy, definitely.

"Will you mind if you give us a moment alone?" His Majesty didn't look away from me as he asked Tani.

Tani, can you not leave us? I nearly pleaded aloud. But before I could, I stopped myself.

"No, I dare not, Your Majesty." Tani answered respectfully.

Tani and the royal physician then left the chambers cautiously. They didn't make a sound upon their departure, as if it would cost them their life if they did.

Soon, the room was left with nothing but silence. Neither of us spoke a word as we exchanged eye contact.

All I've done today was wonder, but to no avail. I knew I wouldn't guess what he was thinking at the moment. Hence, with the strange additional courage I got from my lack of interest, I kept my gaze locked with his.

"I have been wondering," Finally, His Majesty broke the silence as he trudged in my direction.

He walked around me ever so slowly, his eyes locked on me. I instinctively straightened my spine and stood still before his prying eyes.

He wasn't checking my figure, was he?

"You've been under my care for a good amount of time. But, no matter how many times I tried to ignore how you bring yourself differently, I couldn't."

As soon as I processed his words, my back shivered as sweats broke out. I felt my lips dry as my hands and feet gone cold.

Was he suspicious? Obviously, he would be.

Even without the memories this princess had with His Majesty, I got the gist of how this princess behaved. However, despite knowing that, I couldn't bring myself to act like her and bring disgrace upon myself.

"Tell me..." His Majesty stopped behind me while I held my breath as I clenched my teeth.

Slowly, I felt his fingers caressing the side of my neck delicately. The scent of danger wafted my nose, which made me clench my hand tightly.

From the delicate caressing, his slender fingers soon wrapped around my neck. This body's neck was too slim that he could clasp almost its entire radius with just a hand.

I felt him lean closer, still standing behind me. His fingertips gently caressed my neck, waiting when he could snap it.

"... You're not Vivi. Who are you?" I shivered as his fiery breaths tickled my ears.

Villainess for the Devil [SAMPLE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora