His Majesty's priorities

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"How insulting."

I gulped hard, hearing my own swallow along with the crisped sound the swords produced.

I couldn't move a muscle with these two swords one palm-length away from my head. If His Majesty's sword didn't block Lord Ashton's, my head would have flung away from my neck.

The thought of it caused my heart to drum, affecting my breathing. Obviously, I didn't want to die the second time.

I should have listened to His Majesty's warning.

"Your Majesty, you're aware that your fondness over that illiterate cursed princess made her the target of those who bore a grudge against the monarchy."

Lord Ashton spat. I could not see him with these swords blocking my view, but I discerned the resentment in his voice.

"Perhaps, those were one reason I could control this body perfectly. His Lordship secretly loathes His Majesty for bringing harm to his beloved. You're selfish, Your Majesty."

Upon saying so, Lord Ashton withdrew his swords away as His Majesty put his sword down slowly. As soon as the swords stopped blocking the view, I saw Lord Ashton hopped back.

"Don't you think, Your Majesty?" Lord Ashton briefly raised his brows as he sported a cunning smirk.

As I studied his expression, I was convinced that Lord Ashton's body was possessed. To make it worse, the real Lord Ashton's had perished.

Even if I still had my powers, the soul possessing this body had resided within him for far too long. It's too late to save the real owner of this body. It was akin to contracting a deadly disease; there's no cure.

"Are you alright?" Yet, instead of entertaining Lord Ashton, His Majesty faced me and inquired.

"Huh?" I blinked, looking up, and watched his piercing eyes study me. It felt like he could see even my soul.

His Majesty heaved a sigh of relief upon confirming I wasn't hurt.

'Your Majesty, can you get your priorities straight? I believe my well-being was of no importance at the moment... at least, for you.'

I stated internally. However, deep down, I was a little moved that he was concerned about me. It made me think I was more important than anything... I abhor it.

"I told you, didn't I? You should have stayed inside and played with your servant." His Majesty gently recalled while sounding apologetic, as I had witnessed this occurrence.

Play? Does he see me as a child? Wasn't he lusting over me previously?

I shook my head lightly to shrug off my subconscious thoughts away. His Majesty's changeable behavior was the least of my concern at the moment.

Someone was practically standing before us with an intention to take our lives! Shouldn't we uphold that as everyone's top priority?

"Haha, this sight of yours never fails to fascinate me, Your Majesty. Why do you care so much for that illiterate princess? I wonder if your wounds had healed from not so long ago?"

Lord Ashton chuckled, insinuating what transpired that night. That night this princess committed an unpardonable sin for raising a weapon to the king.

"Aren't you afraid, Your Majesty? You can never tell what she will do behind your back, again."

The side of Lord Ashton's lips curled into a smirk. My eyes sharpened as I couldn't help but take his statement's personally.

Obviously, upon knowing whose fault why this princess had stabbed His Majesty was because of him! If this princess had lost the favors of the king, I would not be here but on an execution platform, waiting for my life to end!

"Fear?" His Majesty let out a brief chuckle. "That's amusing to hear."

Slowly, His Majesty looked away from me as he faced Lord Ashton. I never felt this frustration as someone slandered my name in front of me while I couldn't do anything.

"I've lived far too long to fear even death. However, I am, indeed, worried if those flesh and bones of that body were edible for my pets."

Pets? Edible? Your Majesty? That's what you're concerned about all this time?

I cast His Majesty a side eye, peering at his glorious side profile in dismay. I could never guess this man's train of thoughts.

As I criticized His Majesty discreetly, I noticed Darius clench his hands until they trembled. I understood his strong emotions with his king being insulted in front of him.

Like those loyal knights who oath to die for their king, Darius' reaction was normal. However, Darius suddenly shifted his gaze on me and they glinted.


Why do I feel the killing intent that flickered across Darius' eyes were for me? Ah... right. I attempted to slay His Majesty and Darius nearly killed this princess if not for His Majesty's mercy.

How could I forget?

"Aren't you creative, Your Majesty?"

"And haven't you bid yourself enough time?" His Majesty was quick to respond, his lips stretched into a smirk while the former's smile faded away.

"I did, Your Majesty." Before the smile on Lord Ashton's lips completely faded away, it returned, and he grinned from ear to ear.

"What... ah!" Suddenly, a thick smoke enveloped our vicinity, clouding our vision, and I squealed as I felt a striking pain on my palm.

I coughed, narrowing my eyes as I forbid myself from inhaling more smoke. What was happening?

"You're too generous, Your Majesty. Your mercy for letting me escape will be a mistake you'll regret forever!" Lord Ashton's exclaim followed by his series of maniacal chuckles which reached my ears.

I couldn't see where he was, but his voice sounded like it came from a distance. I forced my eyes to open, looking around this thick smoke.

His Majesty was still standing before me. To my surprise, Darius was also near me, staring down at me. To be exact, staring at my hand.

Out of instinct, I followed Darius' gaze to my hands. Upon laying my eyes on my hand, my eyes widened in shock. I couldn't articulate my surprise.

There, my left hand was holding a dagger while my other hand was holding the blade. Both of them are acting on their own: my left hand wanting to stab His Majesty while my right hand was stopping it.

I gritted my teeth as I felt my flesh being sliced by my own hand. Watching it only intensified the pain as blood trickled down on it.

"That's a high jump," Calm, His Majesty looked up as he shaded his eyes with his hands.

Good thing he didn't know what these hands had almost done to him. I muttered internally, heaving a sigh of relief as no one except Darius had seen what I had nearly done.

Or so what I had believed.

"Darius, tend to Vivi's wounds. I'll be back in a short while."

To my surprise, His Majesty had known but didn't leave his attention to Lord Ashton. Before I could speak a word, I felt a sudden tremor on the ground and His Majesty disappeared.

Villainess for the Devil [SAMPLE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora