Decadent Public Display of Affection

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"I'm keeping my word of keeping you close. Do you like it?"

Huh... do I like it?

I forced a smile on my lips, stretching its corner into an awkward smile.

No, obviously. Especially with too much physical contact! I exclaimed internally, but I figured it was not smart to say it aloud.

I've been keeping myself alive, and my honesty was too brutal to be part of my survival method. Right now, I'm definite that His Majesty was fond of me.

I have to use that as my advantage. It may sound harsh of me to take advantage of his limited kindness, but it was justified.

The world was cruel. One need to know the game they were playing, so they survived. I didn't want to miss this opportunity because of a mere idiotic bravery.

After staring at my awkwardly curved lips, the side of his lips tilted into a subtle and satisfied smile.

"I'm glad you are."

Upon saying so, His Majesty rested his forehead on my shoulder. His arms snaked around me, carefully embracing me in front of his people!

I glanced at his vassals, who looked at us as dumbfounded as I was. I could see their eyes darting from His Majesty to me.

I'm innocent, people. I give you permission to call His Majesty out.

Their gaze unconsciously made me hold on his shoulders, waiting for their complaint regarding this decadent public display of affection.

However, unlike what I had anticipated, everyone remained silent. Not long after, they placed their fist on their chest and bowed. Without a word, one after another, they took their leave.


They barely made a sound as they left, only the faint click of their heels, and their metal suits grazing against each other resonated across the court.

And then silence.

Marquess Darius was the last knight who left. He glanced at us briefly before he sighed and left the court.

Were my eyes deceiving me? I furrowed my brows as his sigh was akin to a sigh of relief?


"Uhm..." As silence enveloped the two of us, I cleared my throat loudly, causing a break in the deafening silence.

Carefully, I looked at His Majesty. He wasn't moving with his head resting over my shoulder and his arms that were wrapped around me remained still.

"Your Majesty?" Under my breath, I called out softly, but to no avail.

Was he asleep? I wondered, checking on him from the side curiously.

Upon glimpsing at his shut eyes and his naturally long eyelashes, I bit my lower lip. Did he seriously fell asleep in the middle of the royal court?

Did his vassals figure he fell asleep? Thus, they left just like that?

Just when I thought I already had myriads of thoughts in my mind to ponder over, I was wrong. Every passing time with him, the questions continued to pile up and I barely get answers.

Not to mention, the difference of how His Majesty's vassals' act was completely opposite of how I recalled the usual scene in the Cez Kingdom.

What am I supposed to do? Stay still and let him have his nap?

I pondered on my next plans for as long as I could remember. I didn't move for a long time until I felt uneasy keeping my posture.

Unexpectedly, his hand suddenly moved. It carefully stroked my back, tracing my spine up to the back of my head.

He then gently guided my head until it was resting on the side of his head. I already figured leaning myself to him would bring comfort to my body, but I hesitated at doing so for personal reasons.

"I haven't slept for a long time. Give me a moment." I heard him whisper, causing my body to relax.

I kept my lips shut and let him have his well-deserved rest. Oh yes, that's sarcasm.

If only I could tell him he could rest in his royal chambers, I've already said so. However, I figured it was not a bright idea to ruin his mood.

After all, I have only known him for a short time. The only recollections of him I have gained so far was that he could hold powers to overwrite someone's memory.

Obviously, with my current, vulnerable state, having my memory overwritten was never part of my plans. Who knows? He might overdo it and just erase my memories completely.

I didn't want that. I neither want to forget my current reality nor my cruel past.

My past brought me pain, indeed. However, I didn't want to forget that agony because forgetting it means an opportunity missed to get the justice I deserved.

Unconsciously, I tapped the tip of my fingers on his shoulders. From the smallest finger to my forefinger, they tapped in a constant beat.

I only noticed my finger's movement when the weight on my shoulders weighed heavier. But it was not enough to bring me utter discomfort.

If anything, I felt the nonexistent wall around His Majesty — which no one could see by the naked eye — slowly break down. The King of the Land of Esmond was defenseless. I would have struck him down easily at this moment.

However, part of me felt moved. I could not help but see the difference between this King and my former spouse, King Joseph Cezar III.

That ingrate who betrayed me never showed his vulnerable side. I was too blinded to see that he never let his guard down, even if there's only the two of us together.

Yet, this King whom I've barely known was giving me utter trust.


I wondered. I knew he was only trustful because the original owner of this body was too innocent to scheme. Alas, I felt otherwise.

Deep down, my heart could not help but assume he trusted me for who I was and who I currently am. I could feel that even if I am wielding a dagger, he would act the same and give me the freedom to choose whether to strike him.


I wanted to stop my train of thoughts of thinking random and unnecessary assumptions. It only brings forth this nonessential guilt, for I am here bearing a hidden agenda.

I am here with him for the sole purpose of survival. Hence...

'Don't be too kind and trustful, Your Majesty. Your kindness would never make me forget and forgive those who wronged me. Your trust will only bring you disappointment.'

My heart clenched, feeling this sudden melancholy circling in my heart. Eventually, once I've retrieved my powers, I was certain I'd bid him my farewell.

That had been my plan from the beginning.

"Shh..." Amidst my thoughts, he suddenly let out a soft hush. "Just rest. Your thoughts are too loud, I can hear them."

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