Desert Moon

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"You'll do it again, Vera. Kill Luis Khlyn, kill His Majesty. If you do, we can go home together."

I froze upon hearing his last remarks. My mind recalled the exact voice whispering in my head, pushing me into a trance.

"Kill His Majesty. Kill His Majesty. Kill His Majesty."

Those words repeated in my head, compelling me to do as what I've been told. A part of me was conscious. Thus, his attempt to control me failed.

However, this brought forth fragments of memories this princess had forgotten, or so, what I've believed. A memory of which would enlighten me about what transpired the night before I awoke to this body.

What happened the same night I died as the Queen of Cez Kingdom.


The night of my death in the Cez Kingdom, a huge incident also transpired in the Land of the Kingdom of Esmond... and it would change my view towards His Majesty.

"Vivi," called His Majesty, staring at her bearing those naturally sharp eyes.

"What brought you here in the middle of the night?"

He asked, tilting his head to the side as he patiently waited for her explanation as a soft blow of wind in the patio passed by us.

Unlike how I witnessed the memories from a bystander perspective, I am now watching everything unfurl through the eyes of the doltish princess.

To make it worse, I don't have the power to control her. It was akin to me being stuck inside her body; reminds me of how I was stuck in the memories previously.

I could see His Majesty and his questionable patience waiting for her response. Alas, only silence was what he received as an answer.

After a long silence, I heard the sweet and muffled voice of the princess, breaking her silence as she set her eyes on him.

"Lulu, I want to go home."

She said, her body trembling as her voice laced with loneliness.

I could feel her eagerness to go home, to get far away from this place... far away from him. Yet, I couldn't feel her fear, nor did I ever felt she loathed him.

She wanted to go home because of another reason; I couldn't guess myself.

His majesty's jaw tightened as I watched him swallow with his Adam's apple moving. His lips parted, wanting to speak, but held back.

"Lord Ashton promised to take me home, Lulu. Why are you interfering?"

"It's late, Vivi." Yet, instead of giving her an answer she had sought, His Majesty diverted the subject.

"Darius will be here any moment. He will assist you back to your chambers."

Slowly, His Majesty turned his back against her. Without looking back, he took a step forward.

He was walking away, and part of me felt relieved. I was uncertain why I was brought back to this memory which had transpired. I don't see the importance of it aside from being forgotten by this princess.

Just as I thought this memory was an irrelevant piece of memory, it proved me wrong. The next second, I felt that the princess's consciousness disappear and her body started moving on its own.

The next second, she took out a small dagger she hid beneath her dress. With shaking hands, I watched these very hands approach His Majesty and successfully struck him from behind.

"Die, Your Majesty." I heard the princess' voice mutter repeated.

No, this is not her. I exclaimed.

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