"You always end up doing that when you're not out of it." I chuckle, tracing the faint scar over Remus' nose. He smiles, nuzzling his face into my hand. 

"I love you." Remus leans forward and kisses my softly one more time on the lips before he pushes me gently in the shoulder. "Now turn into a dog before I have the urge to eat you in a way you don't like." 

I smile fondly and kiss Remus on the forehead before following directions. We still have a couple of minutes, so I shuffle forward and settle against Remus' side, letting him bury his face in my scruff. 

After those few minutes Remus sits up and I hop down, because my dog ears are really sensitive and if I'm too close to him screaming it gives me a headache. It messes with my head anyway, because he's in pain and it hurts my heart to hear him scream, but I'm not any use to him if my head isn't clear. 

When Remus' screaming stops, I take my paws off of my ears and slowly pad over to the giant, angry looking wolf in the middle of the room. 

"Hey, Moony." I greet happily in my head as I brush up against Moony's shoulder. He growls but I stand my ground, because if I cower he'll attack me and that never ends well. 

"Padfoot?" Moony noses at my head, sniffing behind my ear and making sure I'm me. 

"As always, dear." I reply, wrapping my tail around Moony's front leg. Moony nips my ear playfully, trying to get his foot away. 

"Oi, are you two done over there?" Prongs asks, a sleepy wormtail still perched on his head. 

"MOUSE!" Moony starts to go after wormtail and the small rat hops off of Prongs with a squeal. 

"NO, MOONY!" Prongs quickly covers Wormtail, but moony whines and tries to get at him anyway. 

"No, Dear. Wormtail is our friend, Remember? Prongs and Wormtail?" I paw at Moony's shoulder, brushing my tail against his hip. 

Moony sighs and sits up on his back feet. "Yes, I remember now. If you weren't my mate, I would eat him." 

"Yeah, that's the one. Don't be a downer, love. Let's go wreak some havoc, alright?" I nuzzle Moony's neck, twining our tails together. 


And then we're off, running through the woods and trying to keep up with moony. He stays pretty much beside me though, not straying too far away from his mate. 

Then, things go wrong. 

Moony stops suddenly, dropping low to the ground in front of me. 

"Moony?" I ask tentatively, because Moony only gets like this when he tries to protect us from something. "What's wrong, Love?" I nudge Moony's shoulder with my snout. 

"Hush." Moony stalks forward and flicks his tail at me to tell me to stay put. I do as I'm told because I don't want to piss him off, but I'm not happy about it. He's obviously smelling something that I haven't picked up on. 

Then I do smell it, and I'm caught between going to help Moony and running away. 

"Spider." I say, looking at James. I can see his eyes go wide even in deer form. When I say spider, I don't mean the gross little things you find in your house. I mean giant, terrifying fucking beasts that spit venom that if you're hit with enough of it, can kill you in minutes. 

It drops down from a tree, and Moony pounces on it. 

"MOONY, NO!" I glance at the sky. We've got maybe an hour before the sun comes up. 

The next ten minutes are a blur. I do run forward to help Moony, but I'm smaller and it's easier for me to get away from the spider. The two of us take it out together, but there's a chemical burn on Moony's neck, down to his shoulder. 

Forever And Always Wolfstar Fluffy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now