"Allow me to introduce you Duke Eckel of Sko Cria."

Royse looks up and saw the man smile at him. He noticed how their pupils were shaped like a cat. Their teeth sharp like canines. They stood tall and huge, evident how different they were to humans.

"Greetings to the Frostenden." He bows.

Albert returned the action.

Royse felt himself anxious from the man's gaze. This was the first dragon he saw after all.

And he could tell from his aura that the man was strong.

Royse brushed off his thoughts and greeted the man. He gives of his smile and bowed elegantly.

"It is very nice to meet your acquaintance, duke Eckel." Royse states.

The man widened his eyes and smiled.

"Likewise. It's a great honour to finally meet the figure who made quite a discovery in the beauty industry." Duke Eckel states, causing Royse to chuckle in bashfulness.

"Thank you. I am delighted to know that people enjoy my commodities."

Duke Eckel nods before turning to the king. "I believe we should be moving on to the other guests."

They made their separation after giving their regards.

Royse exhaled.

It made him realize that there were a lot more terrifying strong people in the world. More than he imagined.

"I should be going ahead son. His highnesses are headed this way." Albert states, causing Royse to glance around and saw the 2 walking towards him.

When he looks back at his father, he saw no one.

'DAD!!' Royse screamed in his mind. 'YOU TRAITOR!!' He darts his head, trying to find an escape.

He starts walking away at a quick pace, manoeuvring around the crowd, hoping to make himself lose from their sight.

Royse smoothly cut off the nobles who tried to stop him by using his smile, causing them to become flustered. He continued making turns until he arrived in a secluded area, far from the ballroom.

He heaved out a sigh. "Aneki will kill me once she notices I'm gone." Royse dreaded the thought.

He walks around the hall and saw an open door.

Curious, he went towards it and checked the room. He immediately beamed as he realizes it was the library. He turns his head in every direction, taking in the sights of the books.

It was huge and he knew it had more than the ones in their home. He knows he may be trespassing but he couldn't help it.

His eyes sparkled when he arrived at the skills section.

Making haste he checks their titles and see if he could find anything useful. He murmurs the title as his index finger traced the words.

He grabs one to his liking and opened it, skimming through as he took in every detail.

'Ah, I'm so glad I escaped.' He thinks.

He jumped in surprise when a hand suddenly pats his shoulder.

He whips his head and saw a brown-haired boy looking at him. Evident in his expression that he was confused to see him.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now