"Hyung!" With a loud surprised gasp, Jimin immediately pushes his way out of the elder's arms just so he could give him an adorable death glare. "Don't say something like that."

"But it's true baby, I can die for you." Yoongi grinned leisurely and takes a confident step forward to place his large hands on the male's satisfyingly tiny waist.

Unable to utter another word, Jimin cannot help but blushes at the thought itself which prickles an interest inside of him as it makes him feel undeniably valuable knowing that Yoongi is willing to go as far as 'that' for him.

"Flattered hm?" Yoongi teased with a handsome smirk spreading on his lips.

"Don't be such a flirt, I'm still mad at you." Jimin huffed and crosses his arms over his chest although he did not mind the elder's hands that were still holding onto his waist.

"Fine, we will discuss this later but don't you think we're late for classes?"

Jimin's eyes widen as far as they could go as his mouth effortlessly falls open at the realisation of how many minutes they have been out in the conservatory.

"Shit Yoonie, you always get me into trouble!" Jimin whined and hurriedly lean in to give his boyfriend a loud peck on the lips before turning on his heels to only start running.

Startled by what just happened, the freshman's words repeated inside Yoongi's head and make him chuckle a little at how they actually ended up missing half of the first period.

"Aren't you the trouble maker here?"

3rd Person's POV

*2 Weeks Later*

During those long weeks, Yoongi eventually agreed to fake a break-up with the freshman when they are under the University's roof since he could not ignore how Jimin was being all pouty and worried for his safety anymore.

However, you might have thought that faking a break-up would solve the problem but no, you were wrong because the couple has been yearning for each other's touch and present more often now.

Everything has become so difficult for the two as they are not allowed to interact in the University even if it is just one single eye contact which could not possibly harm anyone but Jimin still stubbornly insisted that this was for the best.

And because this is his future husband's order, Yoongi had no choice but to comply without saying a single word of disagreement although he finds it rather ridiculous when he is the killer himself and there are absolutely no chances of some fuckers wanting to harm him.

But that is not all because what gets the minty head all cranky is the fact that they won't even get to see each other's face outside of the University's fence too since their house is in the complete opposite direction.

The drive to Yoongi's house from school takes at least an hour and but for Jimin, it eats up approximately a 20-minute walk to get to school which wasn't that bad for him.

But if we get to maintain part of the story, it was Yoongi's fault really for selling the apartment room he used to live in after entering University since his senior year-

- will end soon and he cannot be bothered adding more chaos to his life so deciding to suck it up for a 1-hour ride in the morning instead was the option he finds more pleasant.

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