14 / Laying

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"Hmm~ hmhmn~" Yoongi hums quietly to himself as he picks up all the scattered piece of papers bit by bit that was torn into almost nothing and lovingly places them back on his working desk surface.

*3 Hours Later*

"Finally..." The patient man sighed in relief once he gets to scan through multiple love letters that were nicely stuck and taped up together like before.

"So pretty ain't ya?" Yoongi smiled tinily as he lifted the letters and brought them up to his chest like his own babies just so he could 'greedily keep it all to himself'. Of course, the silly letters are important to him.

After all, it's the only thing he could use in this world to communicate with a certain freshman. I hope Jiminie likes you too. Crazy isn't it? Talking to letters that will soon end up inside Jimin's locker, being the crucial cause for the male's pretty smile.


Yoongi's phone rings once again and it made the dark-haired male froze, remembering what happened approximately 3 hours ago, the reason for his outburst and why he is now taping back up his love for Park Jimin.

Hands suddenly feeling numb, Yoongi carefully placed the letters down and got up from his chair just so he could follow the sound of his ringing device.

Avoiding the shards of glass he did not order his only maid to clean up yet, the senior was finally able to see who was calling him and with a relieved sigh, he picked up. "Yes, Seok ah?"

"Hey, lazy bum! You flying high for tomorrow?" J-hope cheerily beamed from the other line.

"Excited for what? Tomorrow is Friday and we got to school for god's sake." Yoongi annoyedly groan. Don't you just feel like your energy has been drained out every time someone reminded you or mentioned that school's tomorrow?

"Oh, my cow Yoongs! Did you forget about that Juju trip?"

"Oh fuck...I did. Gotta pack. See ya hope and it's Jeju, not Juju." Yoongi vaguely swore, bringing his slender fingers up to rub the bridge of his nose because of how he genuinely forgot.

"Oh right! We're going to Jeju island, not Juju sorry. M'kay dokey, I'll leave you to pac-"

Calmly, the black-haired senior pressed the end call button and opened his mouth to start calling his servant's memorable name. "Yoonji yah!"

"Yes, master? What do you need?" A teenage girl with jet black hair that is just above her shoulders length spoke while lowering down her head to show politeness towards the young master.

"Yoonji, could you please prepare my bag for the trip to Jeju tomorrow?"

"It's already done for you sir."

"How the fuck does she know?" Yoongi thought but not long after his question was asked to nobody but himself, the maid parted her thin lips again.

"Your luggage will be infront of your door for when you leave sir. During your leave, I'll be cleaning the mansion, fridge and the mighty cobwebs." Yoonji informed but when she decided to take a small glance around her master's room, she quietly sighed to herself. "And your room too sir."

"Okay, you can leave now." The senior turned around and tiredly walk to his bed as the short-haired teenage girl bow before leaving as ordered.

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