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Yoongi's POV

Waking up to pillows that reaks of your dried tears isn't a great experience like what every heartbroken human says on the internet and today's school morning, Yoongi had the chance to fully experience it.

He felt devasted after getting rejected and the invisible wound inside his heart was still fresh and open for all to see but just like what the senior wrote inside the meetup letter that went horribly unplanned.

He is still going to love Park Jimin, send Daffodils and all those shitty letters to the freshman every day. It is not like he got a choice anyways and maybe if he keeps trying, the boy who wears a pleated little skirt with natural yet dreamy makeup on would turn to look at him.

So, Yoongi neatly packed another letter into his bag and fussily chooses another stem of yellow and white Daffodil from the patch he planted inside his room before stepping out his dark soul to another cold winter morning in Seoul, South Korea.

*At School*

"Our baby Jk is back! Come to my arms my dearest son!" J-hope animatedly beamed as he pulled the younger into a bone-crushing hug whilst Namjoon worriedly glanced at Yoongi who subtly nodded before whispering.

"He's doing fine, just don't bring up anything triggering, warn Seok too." The black-haired senior explained and it instantly made the purple head smiled in relaxation.

"So what did I missed?" Jungkook dumbfoundedly asked while smiling cutely at his hyungs who only returns the gesture with fond eyes.

"Go on Hope ah, you apprise him." Namjoon nudged his overjoyed friend's shoulder before he finally was able to lift the book that he has always wanted to read but couldn't due to how he was practically forced to listen to all Hoseok's 'childish' stories since Jungkook was not available for duty.

"Okie Dokie! So sweet pie, I saw three unicor-" With excitement, J-hope made a screeching sound but as he was halfway into the story, loud gossips filled up the hallways once 'The Angels' entered with Jimin being held hands in the middle by the Pink Princess and the Gucci Hunter.

Taehyung was descended on the right and he was glaring darkly at everyone who dared to murmur about his upset Bessie mate.

Meanwhile, Jin was snarling at every face with his precious gaze assigned to the left as his mouth moves rapidly to spit literal fire of harsh threats towards the specific group of female students who posted those unnecessarily mean comments.

"What are you looking at bitch? Go suck some dicks." The pink-haired senior croaked out a hiss from his healthy plum lips whilst making sure to broaden up his shoulders that could kill some bitches with their intimidation.

"How could you!" The girl looked completely offended and Jin couldn't care less as he had already moved his worthy attention away to check how Taehyung was doing and it wasn't that surprising when he sees how all the student's mouth were zipped and closed for good.

Seeing Jimin walking towards his locker with his head completely hung low for the solid reason of not wanting to remembers those accusing glares, Yoongi's face grimaces as a volcano of anger has been awakened and already began boiling inside of him. Who the hell dared to make his Jiminie this sad?

Additionally, the senior glared at the students who did not stop their bad chatting habits but as those jumbled whispers continue to flies past his ear, Yoongi could not help but wonder what were they rumouring about?

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