34 / I

154 12 1

Taehyung's POV

"So this is where you want to take me?" Taehyung mumbled, glancing at the sigh infront of him and all those proud mannequins that display inside the glass window, wearing the brand he loves the most and some clothing or shiny accessories he already owned inside his packed closet.

"Yes! Gucci store your favourite remember?" Jungkook chuckled excitedly as he was feeling more than proud of himself for making his lover extra happy.

"Yes...my favourite." Taehyung sighed and it won't be a lie if he says guilt was now in his system because of how his heart still desires all those expensive stuff no matter how ugly the reality of being a money eater is.

"Let's go inside babe." Jungkook pecked his boyfriend's bread-like cheeks before holding onto Taehyung's hand and lead him inside the luxurious store that they have been visiting at least thrice a week.

"Tae, do u like that jacket? It's green!" The younger pointed towards one of the items that caught his doe eyes but Taehyung only looked down as if he despised being there.

"I...I don't like it." The brown-haired male quickly replied while refusing to meet his boyfriend's love heart eyes because he knows he did, Jungkook would read him like an open book.

"You look a little down today...Gucci will fix it!" Jungkook cheerfully chirped. "Wait here okay?"

Nodding slowly, Taehyung watches as the kid ran off somewhere and in less than 2 minutes, he sees his boyfriends shuffling past other customers with 5 hangers of baggy pants in his right hand and a ridiculous full-body golden Gucci suit in the other.

"Look what I've found!" The brunette showed off his cute bunny smile as he stood in front of the unusually quiet elder. "I'm sorry if you owned some of these already...it was hard trying to find the one you haven't bought yet."


"Do you like this one?"

"Jungkoo-" Taehyung tries again.

"Oh my god, no you prefer brown. How could I forget? tsk tsk." The arty freshman shooked his head from left to right in displease and sucked on his lower lip out of concentration.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung loudly yelped and almost immediately, his boyfriend's plenty amount of attention was now set on him.

"Yes, baby?"

"I don't w-want..." The golden brown-haired male bitted onto his bottom lips while trying not to steal a single glance at the tempting looking clothes inside the latter's occupied hands. "It's too expensive."

"Taehyung ah, we all know you don't care about the price." Jungkook let out a small laugh and it made the older male shiver in disgust at himself. How did I let it happened? This is all my fault.

"Now which one do you want? Actually forget that, we can buy all of them too like last time." Jungkook offered while smiling broadly after he has scaled both of the items in his imaginary weights and measures tool as if he's not sure which one Taehyung wants more.

Feeling a lump of guilt hanging between his throats narrowing walls, Taehyung stares at the clothes which were once in Jungkook's hold being tossed into a strawed basket like a well that people throws money into but never get it back. Such a waste...

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