Part 53- I do

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It was the day of my wedding, all the invites had gone out and the venue is were I wanted it to be. My maid of honour was Pans, it took me a while to figure out who but I managed to do with while daph was one of my bridesmaids along with Ginny and Hermione. Blaise who was Draco's best man came up to us both and asked if it was okay to propose to Pansy, we smiled widely and agreed almost to sudden.

I was getting in my dream wedding dress as Pansy and the rest helped me, it was a mermaid tail one which was an off-shoulder with lace. The bottom of the dress was huge so it followed behind me as I walked. Narcissa had picked this out for me. I looked in the mirror of the tent that was covering us all and said "what if he doesn't like it?" Pansy slapped me around the back of my head while Hermione, Daphne and Ginny slapped my hands "are you mental" "his jaw would be on the floor y/n" all four of them said. I smiled while Pansy did my hair.

"Y/n are you ready sweetheart?" My father asked softly, "yes father come in" as soon as I said this he walked in and started tearing up at the sight of me I hugged him tightly as music started playing which was the cue for Pansy Hermione, Daphne and Ginny to walk out and take there places along with Blaise, Theo, Dean and Ron.

I was shitting myself, physically I was so scared of what's about to happen. I took my place near the front as the music started playing I saw Pansy and Blaise along with Ginny and Dean then Ron and Hermione and finally Daphne and Theo, Blaise patted me on the back as he went and stood with the other 2 boys. Me and weasley have gotten fair close to be honest, I held Scorp and slowly passed him to Blaise as I saw y/n come out. My jaw dropped she looked absolutely gorgeous, I saw the tears starting to brim her eyes as she got closer. When she had gotten near me I took her hand as her father kissed the top of her head "you look stunning baby" I said quietly she smiled softly the smile that always got me and replied "you don't look to bad yourself Mr Malfoy" I smirked at her as the pastor said whatever he had to say.

"Do you Draco Lucius Malfoy take Y/n Jane Riddle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He said softly as I replied "I do" he smiled as he turned to y/n and asked again "Do you Y/n Jane Riddle take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband" she smiled at me making direct eye contact as she said "I do" I had tears in my eyes as they slowly started to fall as the Pastor went "you may now kiss the bride" I didn't think twice and just smashed my lips onto hers and stayed like that for a couple of minutes "I now present you Mr and Mrs Malfoy" we both smiled and kissed again as we went down and spoke with our families. My mother was balling her eyes out as her father and my father both shed a few tears.

It was the aftermath as we the party and meal around the beach me and Draco was sat in the middle as Blaise stood up and clinked his glass, I went red in embarrassment as he spoke "I never thought the day would come to see my best mate marry the girl who he hated for being in more power than he was, I thought she was nice and we did get close, y/n had got me and Pansy together and other couples aswell she liked to play the game matchmaker thinking it would never work on herself, but it did and here she is with the last name of Malfoy." I went bright red as he sat back down and Draco patted him on the back. Next Pansy stood up which made both me and Draco put our heads in our hands "y/n was my first friend when she arrived at Hogwart's, yes it took a while for us both to be as close as we are now, we had gotten closer and closer throughout the years and look we're we are now. She's my ride or die" I had tears in my eyes as she said all of this and I gave her a massive hug after.

The party came round fast as we was all drinking, I had battled Pansy to another round of shots and she had agreed, I passed Scorpius to Draco as I got myself ready. "3, 2, 1, GO" we started at the same pace as she started to beat me I noticed and started doing them faster. We both finished at the same time as we both laughed at each other as I took Scorp back of Draco. Me and father had the father daughter dance and Narcissa took place of my mother's dance with me as I broke down in tears as did Narcissa. After that me and Draco danced with Scorpius with each other's foreheads on each other with Scorp in Draco's hand until everyone went quiet to see Blaise standing on the stage "Pansy Parkinson can you come towards me please" he shouted drunk, Pansy did so as he said "Pansy Parkinson you make me the happiest man on earth and I want to keep it that way so, Miss Pansy Parkinson will you marry me?" Pansy looked at me and Draco with tears in her eyes as she said yes to Blaise. We all cheered for them as me and Pansy decided to something mental.

I handed a Scorpius to Draco as I took Pansy's hand and ran with her and dived in the sea we both burst out laughing with sea water in our mouth's. After about 15 minutes we got out soaking wet. We was drinking for hours. Everyone was slowly leaving as me and Draco went back to the manor with Scorpius, he had fell asleep not so long ago. I yawned quietly as I placed Scorpius in his crib while Draco's hands was around my waist kissing my neck "come on Mrs Malfoy let's get to bed" I laughed at him as we both collapsed on the bed. "Unzip me would you?" Draco shot up and carefully helped me out of my dress, I threw on his shirt as I fell asleep with his head on my chest while I was stroking his hair, "I love you y/n Malfoy" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. "I love you too Draco Malfoy" he hugged me tighter as we both drifted of to sleep.

It's us forever Draco x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon