Part 42-The First Scan

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I was up all morning throwing up with Draco at my side I had told him to go back to bed but he refused until I stopped throwing up. I was being sick for 2 hours until I finally had stopped. I got changed and went downstairs for breakfast as I needed to be at my appointment at 12:00pm I ate and just sat in the library reading books. Books have always kept me distracted no matter the issue, they was like my comfort.

It came 11:30am I had set of with my mum as we went to the closest doctors. When we got there, there was quite a few people we waited for what felt like hard until I finally got shouted. I walked in the room with my mum behind me and took a seat on the bed. The doctor had put some ice-cold gell on my stomach and started moving the transducer around my stomach while looking at the screen, I saw my baby slowly growing I had tears in my eyes as the doctor said everything was healthy and I needed to come back in 2 months for my gender. I had explained I only want my mum knowing the gender she nodded as she said if I come in two months she'll send a letter to my mother telling her the gender. I said thank you and left.

When we got back Narcissa came up to me and said "how's the baby doing?, when do you have to go back, oh I almost forgot your having a gender reveal party" "what?!" I was speechless I didn't want one but I had too it was tradition I groaned and went to Draco. He was in his room as I entered I told him the baby was healthy and I'm having a gender reveal. He nodded and attacked me with hugs and kisses. "I've missed you so much baby" I've only been gone an hour baby I replied slightly laughing he wasn't bothered he kept on hugging me and giving me kisses.

We had been brought downstairs for another meeting as we sat down my father explained that Harry Potter is being moved from his home to the burrow tomorrow night and he expects me me to join in with protection to keep my baby safe. I nodded as Snape joined us to explain what time he was being moved we all agreed and he dismissed us but told me to stay behind.

Yes father? I questioned him he replied "when Mr Potter is being moved you will have to ride a broom don't worry I have the fire bolt here for you so you can get out of a mess if it occurs so you understand" yes father I do I replied relieved as he sent me of back to Draco.

Hi baby I said to Draco as I walked into the bathroom to see him showering "HEY DARLING" he yelled from over the shower curtain, "can I join you?" I asked, he popped his head from round the shower curtain and nodded. I got undressed and jumped in as he saw me he said "my little jellybean is growing" I giggled as I kissed him and moved it his neck leaving him with love bites he started breathing heavily as he pinned me to a wall and started kissing me aswell leaving me with more love bites than I had left him with I moaned in his ear as I felt him get hard. I gave him permission as he stuck 2 fingers inside me pumping hard and fast I moaned loud as the shower kept going, I cummed on him as I bent down and shoved his dick in my mouth sucking fast, Draco forced my head to take it all as I started gagging he moaned in pleasure loud as he cummed in my mouth as I swallowed it all, I licked my lips and kissed him as we both got out of the shower.

I got into some silk green booty shorts and crop top as Draco was wearing just grey sweatpants. We lied in bed as I placed my head in his chest while we watched a movie with both of us drifting off to sleep.

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