Part 32- Borgin And Burke's

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Summer came and went within what felt like a week. It came the day before school as me Draco and Narcissa went to Diagon Alley. Fred and George had opened up a joke shop aswell. So I pleaded Draco to come with me before we had to go somewhere with Narcissa, he sighed but agreed as we ran into theyre shop.

When we entered we was filled with excitement as the shop was bright and colourful with a lot of stock, Fred and George saw me and hugged me while nodding at Draco as we carried on through the shop to see what we can find. After about an hour of rummaging we didn't really find anything that made us want them so we left the shop while saying bye.

We went back to Narcissa as she dragged us down an alley into a shop called Borgin and Burke's as we entered we was greeted by fenrir and other death eaters as they led us up the old steps.

Harry POV:
We was in Fred and George's home shop as we saw y/n and Draco leave with a hurry. Ron and I followed Hermione out as Ron turned and said "is it me or is it weird that Draco, y/n and mummy aren't ones to be followed?" I looked at Ron in confusion as he pointed to them three. We slowly followed them as they entered Borgin and Burke's. What was they doing in there? We peeped over a random roof and watched them slowly as they circled around a big black cupboard looking thing. Then the curtains had shut y/n must've knew we was there.

I knew Potter, Weasley and Granger was watching us as we circled the black box, I caught them with the corner of my eye and told Fenrir to shut the curtains and he did so. After circling the box for a while making sure to look at every crack and pieces of writing encrypted into it I asked the death eaters what it was they replied "it's a vanishing cabinet, it's twin is in Hogwarts in the room of requirement, it needs mending. The one that your next too now is fine, the twin needs fixing and your father wants you to get to it as soon as you get to Hogwarts. Both of you" I nodded as Draco did too. We was in for a long year at Hogwarts.

Leaving Borgin and Burke's I told Draco I saw Potter, Weasley and Granger in the corner of my eye spying that's why I told Fenrir to shut the curtains. He looked at me furious like he wanted to murder Potter for spying, as we left Narcissa to go to platform 9 3/4. We sat on the train in an empty cabinet while waiting for Pansy and Blaise to arrive. We spoke for ages and ages about what we had to do until we got disturbed my a cough which was from Pansy I shot up and hugged her it felt like I've not seen her in years as Draco patted Blaise's back.

We sat as the train started moving, I zoned out while looking at the misty skies and big clouds while them three were speaking until I got disturbed by a black smoke filling the room. Draco stood up asking everyone including first years who did it as I grabbed him and said "Draco sit down we'll be at Hogwarts soon" he agreed and sat down while saying "Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school, rather throw myself of the Astronomy Tower than be seen doing charms this year" Pansy looked at me then pointed up. I saw potter as I looked up straight away(Nagini s powers are able to see people under invisibility btw) I got so angry my eyes turned to a snake as Draco nudged me to look at myself. I looked and got up and ran to the bathroom(let's say they have bathrooms on the train).

I looked in the mirror as my eyes were bloodshot and snake like I splashed my face with water while calming down as I went back to my seat on the train. When I sat back down we had arrived at Hogwarts as I said "you two go on we have to check something" Draco looked at me suspicious as I pointed upwards and he saw the bag move we both got up as I was closing all the blinds in our compartment, finishing this I looked at Draco and nodded "Did mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop POTTER Petrificus Totalus!!" He yelled as he hit the floor with a thud I ripped of his cloak and said while hissing "oh yeah she was dead before you could even wipe the drool of your chin" I looked at Draco while walking away as he booted Harry's nose with his shoe and said "that was for my father and my Girlfriend" "enjoy your trip back to London hahah" I exclaimed while putting his cloak back on him.

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