Part 34- The Cabinet

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What Draco had planned was unexpected. He ran to the bathroom and locked the door, I was sat in confusion, I waited for 15 minutes as Draco came out of the bathroom smirking as he held his hand out for me to take. I took it as he led me in the bathroom to see a bubble bath running with candles and rose petals everywhere with the lights on dim. I smiled like a idiot as I kissed him on the lips and started getting undressed as so did he. Draco had never done this before so I know for sure he actually loves me and not using me.

I stepped in the bath and sat down while Draco climbed in behind me, I layer my head on his chest while he was stroking my face ever so carefully and looking at me with pure love in his eyes I kissed him as I started playing songs, we both did karaoke as we sang along in the bath together both laughing making our sides hurt.

We was in for about an hour as the clock turned to 8:00 we had missed dinner we didn't care we was busy laughing. We got dry as I got back into my pajamas and Draco got into some sweatpants and no shirt as we got back into bed and watched netlfix until we both drifted of to sleep.

It was the next morning as we got changed and headed for the room of requirement we decided not to use the liquid luck yet and just see how it went.
We got to the wall we're it appeared and we both went silent waiting for the door to appear. We walked in the room to see junk piled high with old couches, cushions, benches and many more useless stuff as we saw the cabinet covered by a blanket, Draco ripped the blanket of to see the exact same cabinet as we started to fix it.

Hours and hours went by with us both repeating the words "Harmonia Nectere Passus" over and over again and getting no where so we decided to leave it for a night completely worn out with the fact we was failing. I couldn't fail my Father and Draco couldn't fail him either we was both under loads of pressure as we once again fell asleep after grabbing food from the hall to keep our hunger up.

We awoke the next day needing to go to Astronomy, Potions and DADA. We had Astronomy first and I couldn't look at the edge because she knew her and Draco had to kill Dumbledore after the Vanishing cabinet was fixed and the death eaters came through, but Draco did not know this until tonight when my father called us.

The other lessons dragged all day as we finished eating and went back to the room of requirement. We grit changed into all black first in case anyone saw us in the RoR. We eventually found the cabinet again reciting the spell Harmonia Nectere Passus. I found a old book as I put it in the cabinet and recited the words while Draco was pulling his hand through is his hair. He was getting irritated and I felt awful. I said the spell and heard a teleporting noise as I opened the cabinet the book was gone. I shut the door again and repeated the same spell as the book didn't come back. I smashed my head into a wall because it was irritating me now.

It was about 8:00pm as our marks started burning we both grabbed each others hands and appearated to Malfoy Manor to see my Family and Draco's we hugged them all as we walked into the room with the long table as Nagini hissed hello to me as I hissed it to her back. We sat down as my father started speaking. "So as we know y/n and Draco are fixing the Vanishing cabinet well they both have another task to do" he grinned with an evil smile as he spoke again "Y/n and Draco you will commit to the assassination of Professor Albus Dumbledore in 1 week so you both best start working quickly" we both nodded as Draco had tears in his eyes as we both appearated back to Hogwarts into my dorm. We both fell on my bed as we fell asleep soon after. We couldn't do our lessons anymore we had to work hard exceptionally hard.

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