Part 10- Quidditch World Cup

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The day had come, the day where me mother and father was taking y/n to the Quidditch World Cup she adored Quidditch but she was never brave enough to try out but I'm going to make her try out this year I have to I say to myself y/n was sleeping peacefully in 5 minutes I had to wake her so she can get ready this is going to be an eventful day not knowing what was about to happen.

I woke up to Draco slowly shaking me "good morning darling come on get dressed it's that surprise today" I shot up and ran to the shower I was so happy I could walk I got out of the shower out my hair in loose curls and wore a black dress with a split in it and some black heels I ushered Draco out I didn't want him to see what I was wearing (you bought the dress secretly heheheeh) when he was out of the room I started getting ready I looked in the mirror luckily no one could see my scars and I was thankful the only one you could see was on my thigh where the split starts I breathed in deeply and exhaled I was ready.

Y/n:I woke up to Draco slowly shaking me "good morning darling come on get dressed it's that surprise today" I shot up and ran to the shower I was so happy I could walk I got out of the shower out my hair in loose curls and wore a black dress with...

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I walked down the steps of Malfoy Manor and Draco Narcissa and Mr Malfoy was waiting for me Draco looked at me in awe Narcissa was speechless and Mr Malfoy looked me up and down and nodded with a smile.
Draco took my hand I grabbed Narcissa's with my other hand and Mr Malfoy grabbed Narcissa's hand and we appearated when we stopped I looked round to see the Quidditch World Cup I smiled like a 3 year old and Draco hugged me by the waist since Mrs Malfoy and Mr Malfoy walked in front.

We ended up at a velvet green and black tent we walked in and it was like a house luckily there was three rooms one for me one for Draco and one for Narcissa and Mr Malfoy which I believe is Lucius we stayed in the tent for half n hour then made our way to the stadium climbing the steps I see the bastard golden trio smirking with the other weasleys I nudged Draco and he looked up and of course he says something.

When y/n nudged me I see Potter, Mudblood and weaselbee I smirked and said "father, mother, y/n and I are in the ministers box by personal invite of Cornelius Fudge himself" granger rolled her eyes and then my Father stepped in with his words "Draco don't boast yourself in front of these people" me and y/n smirked while y/n was trying to hold in laughter. Potter grabbed Granger and turned her around My father once again said something but grabbed his foot with the snake on top of his walking stick "enjoy yourself while you can" lifted his stick and walked of me and y/n followed my father behind as y/n stopped and forcefully turned around.

I heard it Harry turned around and thought watch me kill them bastards one day I was furious I stopped and turned round charging myself at him Draco tried to grab me but was to late I was already up the stairs when I see him I grabbed him by the neck Draco grabbed his father and his mother and looked at me while I grabbed Harry by the scruff of his neck. I threw him to the floor and said "EVER and I mean EVER talk shit in your fuckin head about my boyfriends family and me you'll be dead even before you can say sorry. GOT IT?" Harry looked at me like he shit himself and got up and ran.

I gracefully walked down the stairs pretending nothing happened until Lucius grabbed me and said "y/n dear what did he say?" I shuddered at his voice but turned to him and went "he said he was going to kill all of us one day so I stuck up for you all including myself Mr Malfoy" he let go and smirked and said "so I hear you are now dating my beloved son Draco, does your mother know about this since your Father forbids you write to him because of his work?" I replied confidentiality with "yes Mr Malfoy I've told my mother I'm just waiting for a reply from Azkaban but from the rules I won't get a reply unless she escapes sir."  "Ah very well y/n and call me Lucius" I nodded and carried on walking.

We finally got to the ministers box and sat down after greeting each other and the match began. Draco slid his hand over the thigh with scars and tears appeared in my eyes he looked at me and whispered "what's wrong darling" I'll tell you later I said quietly and he left his hand on my thigh I breathed and watched the match I was cheering for the Bulgarians but unfortunately the Irish won it was a fair game so I didn't object l.

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