Part 17- First Task

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The day I dreaded had come I didn't know what the task was I had no idea I was in the players tent pacing back and forth until Fleur turned to me and went "bonjoùr y/n, Draćo is at the side of the tént" I was relieved I thanked Fleur and ran to the opposite side to see my soulmate waiting for me he ran in and hugged me straight away until we heard a click of a photo it was Rita Skeeter ugh how I despise her she highly went "oooo young love"  Viktor stepped in and ushered her out so I thanked him and then I ushered Draco out with one last kiss.

Alright champions! Dumbledore announced gather round everyone while we show you what you have to do then Barty interrupted okay champions all in a circle now "miss delecaur over here, Mr Krum next to her, Mr diggory after Mr Krum and Miss riddle here" so this bag contains 4 very real dragons so Miss delecaur out your hand in the bag please" Fleur lifted out a dragon which was the Welsh Green dragon Mr Krum you next his dragon was the Chinese fireball "I knew there was one really dangerous one I just can't remember which" I thought to myself, Mr diggory you next please he pulled out the Swedish Shortsnout and then there's me which one could I possibly of gotten I'm sure I remember Draco telling me the dangerous one which is none of the ones the other 3 champions have I thought my heart dropped I had the hardest dragon didn't i? My dragon was the Hungarian Horntail l. Dumbledore looked at me concerned we had to get a golden egg which had a Clue to the next task.

Cedric was first then Fleur then Viktor that means it was my turn I nearly threw up as soon as Dumbledore shouted my name I walked out the arch way and the full of Slytherin was cheering for me every single one.

I saw the egg in front of me but I knew it wouldn't be that easy but I risked it anyways I walked out then I spotted it the horntail since I was allowed to use my wand I shouted "REDUCTO!" At the dragon and it blew to a million pieces with its fire still coming at me I dodged and saw Draco's face he was whiter than a ghost. With the dragon gone I shooted my shot and grabbed the egg as I walked back into the arch way back to the tent. I was ecstatic I just battled a fuckin dragon a fuckin dragon I screamed at Pansy who was waiting for me.

Seeing y/n out there I went white whiter than a ghost I couldn't lose her but luckily with her Father being the dark lord she knew half of the spells we didn't so she casted "REDUCTO!" I was so fuckin happy I didn't lose her and I screamed and chanted coz my beautiful girlfriend did it she battled a bastard dragon.

Y/n set me on edge how on earth she managed to do it I will never know she is a lot braver than the other Slytherins I saw Draco's face beam up at her screaming REDUCTO I was a proud best friend I already know I wouldn't of been able to do it so it shocks me how she did It. I waited for her outside the tent as she came out she ran and jumped in my arms hugging me ranting that she did it I had tears down my face with how proud and that's when she turned round and said "I want to have a Slytherin party TONIGHT just Slytherins and you Pansy are getting dressed with me" when we got back to the common room everyone ran to her and lifted her in the air after they put her down she turned round and said it...

I got into the common room and everyone was lifting me up in the air when they finally put me down I said we are having a Slytherin Party tonight just us Slytherins I beamed and everyone cheered and went to hogsmede to get the alcohol and drugs so it left me and Draco. He ran to me and spun me in the air he was so proud of me was what he kept saying to me over and over again until I stopped him saying it by kissing him. He pinned me to the couch and started giving me love bites big ones all on my neck so people know I'm his property and his only and I sat up and seductively whispered "how about we take this to your dorm baby" he smirked and picked me up while I had my legs wrapped round him.

A/N: SMUT And drug use and alcohol use in the next chapter hope you enjoyed this one xx

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