Part 37: Dumbledores Death

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We had reached the top and saw Dumbledore standing there we both reached him "good evening Draco and y/n, what brings you here on this fine spring evening?" He asked as soon as he saw us both Draco replied "who else is here I heard you talking?" Dumbledore looked taken aback but replied "I often talk aloud to myself I find it extraordinary" " y/n Draco you're both no assassins" I butted in before Draco could speak "how would've you known we've done things that would shock you" I replied sternly he startled then explained about the things Draco had done I was shocked but I couldn't show it. Me and Draco replied in sync "we was chosen" as we both lifted up our sleeves.

Dumbledore was shocked until he heard footsteps "not alone I see?" He questioned as My mother and other people came up the steps "well done y/n and Draco I'm so proud" the other death eaters chuckled as Dumbledore had explained he'd make it easy for us as he held out his wand "expelliarmus" Draco shouted as Dumbledores wand flew out of his hand "well done Draco" Dumbledore said shakily but calm.

Dumbledore had kept going on about how we aren't monsters or assassins and I ignored everything until my mother went "Come one y/n or Draco NOWWWW" Draco's wand lowered as I went "AVADA KEDAVRA" Dumbledore had fell he's dead I've just killed Dumbledore I ran over and grabbed his wand and ran of after Draco and my mother.

I was shaking, I was crying I can't believe what I had done. My Mother started ruining everything breaking the windows breaking doors she was happy as we ran down to Hagrids Hut, My Mother set fire to it, I actually liked Hagrid but I couldn't show emotion until Harry shouted "sectumsempra" he had done this to Draco a few days ago but I sent him flying by saying "stupefy", him shouting that spell had caused me to have a couple gashs but I didn't fall as I went "CRUCIO" Harry fell to the floor in agony I couldn't believe I had done this. He ran of as I stood there until I was dragged by Draco to apperate to Malfoy Manor I saw Nagini was harmed from Potter I healed her with my healing charms for animals as I collapsed to the floor with blood dripping everywhere.

Y/n had killed Dumbledore I knew she didn't want to she did it before Snape could stop her. We appearated back to the manor as y/n was healing Nagini I heard a thud it was y/n she had collapsed to the floor with blood dripping from her. I shouted everyone over as they looked at her with worry until Snape came over and used the healing charms "Vulnera Sanentur" repeatedly until all the gash's was healed up as I took her in my arms and carried her to my room where she was asleep and soon after so did I.

A/N: the reason I didn't use Harry as the potions book is because I wanted you to have the advantage and by the way they used the liquid luck. I forgot to put it in oops

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