Part 41- The Death-Eater Ball

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I blasted the radio as I showered I hadn't washed my hair I didn't need too, when I got out Pansy came in and jumped in the shower while the water was still hot.I got myself dry as I did my hair first.

I had put my hair in tight curls and tied a pony tail so it was half up and half down, I applied a dark green Smokey eye with eyeliner and mascara with a nude lip, and adding my snake ring Draco had gotten me. I had gotten my shoes on first because I needed Pansy to help me put my dress on. Me and Pansy didn't care if we was naked in front of each other as she sat there and did her hair in a bun with a few curls at the front, she had done a Pastel blue look with eyeliner and a nude lip aswell as she helped me get my dress on, she zipped it up and I looked in the mirror while Pansy was getting her shoes on. I looked fucking gorgeous I said to myself until I got distracted by Pansy shouting me to help her with her dress.

As we was ready with ten minutes left to wait my mother Narcissa and Pansy mum came into the room and as they saw us they're jaws dropped they all said in sync "you both look stunning" my mum came over and kissed my stomach and Pansy's mum questioned her "she's pregnant Stella" (pretend that's Pansy's mum's name) Pansy's mum jaw dropped even more as she congratulated me. It was time to go down.

I prayed the y/n hadn't bought that dress today because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my hands of her, I ran around my room panicking trying to find my tie as Blaise lifted it up I thanked him and put it in and started tying it while I waited for y/n. My mother, Bellatrix and Pansy's mum came down first Pansy grinned at me like she knew something while she went to Blaise. They all waited for y/n as she came down the steps with that dress that everyone was talking about, my jaw physically dropped, it fit her amazing all her curves was showing while her cleavage was slightly showing aswell, she looked a lot taller so I knew she had heels on, god help her when she ends up with blisters I thought to myself as she took my hand. "You look stunning darling" I said she smiled and kissed me and whispered into my ear "it'll be of soon" I had blushed I went bright red as we entered the hall.

Start song
I took Draco's hand while his other was on my waist as the music started playing, everyone was staring at me aswell as my father he looked impressed. We kept on dancing as he lifted me up in the air and span me and carried on dancing we had to switch partners so I switched to Blaise while Pansy went to Draco we both kept eye contact as Blaise said "thank you for getting me with Pansy I love her a lot" I nodded and smiled then I saw Theo on his own so I separated from Blaise and dragged Theo up by his hand as I started dancing with him "I never knew my own sister could be this gorgeous" I hit him playfully and explained how I was shocked to see him he said he had sorted his differences with father as I smiled at him I gave him a huge hug as I went Back to Draco I felt awful on Theo because Daphne didn't show up so I explained why I was dancing with him to Draco as he put his head on mine and we carried on dancing. The song had kept on playing and I needed to sit down my stomach was hurting and I needed to tell Theo the news so me and Draco sat across from him I hope this would put a smile on his face.

"Theo"I tapped his hand "yes y/n" "I have some news that I hope will bring a smile to your face" he looked at me in confusion I smiled as Draco held my hand and went "I'm pregnant Theo, Draco's the father" he looked me up and down and jumped up he ran to me and hugged me tightly and kissed my Forehead "YES, YES, YES I'M SO HAPPY I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE" he shouted this to make everyone stare at us Draco chuckled as I slapped him in the back of the head "dickhead, only me Pansy,Draco, mother, father, Lucius, Narcissa, Blaise, and Pansy's parents know and now do you aswell as the rest of the bloody people" he smiled and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly until I gave him a hug and Went to dance with Draco once again.
End song

It was midnight, everyone was leaving I was knackered I had been on my feet all night and my heels were rubbing as everyone had left I looked at Draco kissed him said goodnight to everyone else as I took my shoes of and walked to Draco's room with him by my side. I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep soon after as Draco kissed my stomach and went "goodnight, my little jellybean" I smiled at him as we both fell asleep I will be sore in the morning.

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