Heimdall: "They need you, I'll get them on the ship"
[you nod]

You go to Loki and see one of Hela's minions come behind Loki running to attack him. You then punch your way through them and behind Loki and take out your dagger from your shoe to slaughter Hela's minion. She see's you and you turn to smirk at her.

Y/n: "Your welcome"
Loki: "Thank you, I see you have my gift"
Y/n: "Yeah"
Loki: "Shall we finish them together"
Y/n: "We shall"

You two fight back to back and one of Hela's guards pick you up and throws you to the ground and you grunt. You get up and see Loki and make eye contact. You run towards him while he runs towards you and you go under and he goes over and you both slaughter the guards. You look at each other as y'all finish slaughtering most of the Hela's guards.

Thor: "Y'all are late"
Loki: "Your missing an eye"
Y/n: "Don't celebrate too early"
[Valkyrie whistles y'all's attention]
Valkyrie: "This isn't quite over"
Y/n: "We need to distract her until everyone is on that ship"
Thor: " It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now"
Valkyrie: "Then what's our move"
Loki: "I'm not doing "Get Help""
[Thor seems to observe Asgard for a quick minute]
Thor: "Asgard's not a place, it's a people This was never about stopping Ragnarok...it was about causing Ragnarok. (to Loki and Y/n:) Go to the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way."
Loki: "Bold move, brother, even for me"
Y/n: "Let's go then"
[you two run off while Valkyrie and Thor distract Hela]
[You find the Eternal Flame but you don't see Loki]
Y/n: "Loki! I found it!"
[Loki comes running]
Y/n: "Where the hell were you"
Loki: "I got distracted"
[Loki and you place the Surtur's skull in the eternal flame]
Loki: "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn"
[he looks at you as the fire grows]
Loki: "Come on we have to go"
[you two run and see Hela and Thor still fighting]
Y/n: "Thor! Come on!"

Thor, Valkyrie, and Loki get on the ship but as you were about to get on Hela grabs your neck with her powers and you can't release yourself. She starts to hold your neck tighter.

Loki: "Y/n!"

Hela then tries to stab you but, you moved and it landed on your side. You groan as she takes it out of you. Loki and Thor make eye contact. Thor then blasts her while Loki threw both of his daggers into her as he carries you back on the ship and places you on the ground and checks your wound. Thor carries you to a room from the ship and places you on the bed. You look outside and see Hela getting destroyed. Loki comes in and fixes your wound with his powers from Frigga. Loki grab your chin gently and makes you face him.

Loki: "Your gonna be ok"

He looks at you while you look at him and he looks worried but, you knew you were gonna be alright so you leaned in, grabbed his neck gently and kissed him to assure him that everything is gonna be fine.

Thor: "That's my brother"
Y/n: "We're you here the whole time? I though you left"
Thor: "Yeah I was just sitting there while y'all had your little moment and I didn't want to ruin it by making any noise"
Y/n: "Thanks I guess"
Thor: "I guess I'll leave y'all to alone"
[you try to get up]
Loki: "Woah, be carful"
Y/n: "I'll be fine"
[he helps you up]
[you start to walk around the room with him]
Y/n: "Ok you can let go now"
Loki: "I don't want you to fall"
Y/n: "I won't"
Loki: "What if you do"
Y/n: "If I do you'll always be here to catch me" *smiles
[you start walking and it seems to be fine now]
Y/n: "How did you fix it so quickly"
Loki: "Mother always had the best spells and you have powers of the mind stone which made the process quicker"
[Thor comes in]
Thor: "Did I interrupt anything?"
Y/n: "Nope"
Thor: "Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother"
Loki: "Maybe not"
Thor: "Thank you Loki and you too y/n"
[Thor grabs a soap dish and throws it towards Loki to make sure he's here]
Loki: "I'm here"
Loki: "Do we have to hug now?"
[Thor smiles]
Y/n: "Awww"
[Loki and Thor hug]
Thor: "We'll be out there waiting for y'all when your ready"
Y/n: "Thanks"
[he shuts the door]
Y/n: "Thank you"
[you hug him tightly as he holds you onto him as well]
Loki: "For what?"
Y/n: "Well for helping me and saving me, and for finally giving Thor a chance"
Loki: "Your welcome"
[you make eye contact with him and he grabs your hair and kisses you roughly]
Y/n: "So are we like.. a thing now?"
Loki: "Indeed we are"
*you smile
[you two head to Thor in the hallway of the ship looking outside the window]
Thor: "We're going to earth"
Loki: "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?"
Thor: "Sure! They love me there."
Loki: "Let me rephrase: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?"
[Thor smiles, getting it. Pats Loki on the shoulder.]
Thor: "Probably not. But don't worry, brother."
Y/n: "Everything will be just fine, you'll have us there"
[You all look out the window and see a Massive ship]
Y/n: "What the hell is that"

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