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Chapter 21 

Saturday, November 9th

The early afternoon autumn air practically chilled the cuban to the bone as he stood out on the brunette's front porch. He didn't quite expect it to be so bitter and frozen when he walked outside that morning but the cold shock was certainly a surprise to his system and he hoped and prayed that it didn't ruin the plans he had for their day. 
It had taken him about the rest of the entire week trying to formulate the perfect outing for them. From choosing his best friend's favorite food spots, all the way to picking the perfect activity for them to do between snacks and meals. She loved her sweets and he wasn't going to let her go through the day without having at least some of her harder to get treats. 

It was definitely going to be a lot of driving.

He just really really hoped she liked what he had in instore for her. 

He knocked and only had to wait a few seconds before the door was swung open with ferocity. The brunette smiled wide at him from the other side, looking adorable in her orange dress. The thigh length garment flowed simply over her thick black leggings that were tucked into her lace up boots. She was comfortable for a cold day but still as gorgeous as ever with her high ponytail and dark green jacket, obviously having checked the weather before she stepped outside….unlike him.

Lance felt kinda mediocre as he stood before her. He had just opted for a regular and plain t-shirt with jeans and his grey winter coat. The thought of dressing up nicer had crossed his mind but he didn't want her to take it as more of a date then a friendly outing...which is what it was. It was totally not a date.

No matter how badly he wanted it to be. 

"Howdy there, stranger," she greeted him, a very fake and thick country accent coating her voice. 

He chuckled, "Stranger? Well ma'am, I never!" He explained dramatically with an offended hand over his chest. "Do I not mean more to you than some nameless stranger?" 

"Well now, that all depends," 


She smirked trying to look suave but her wide eyes were filled with interest and unattainable curiosity, "What exactly do you have lined up for us today?" 

He shook his head at her. She always had to know the answer to everything or the unknown drove her crazy with being left in the dark. "Sorry, Pidgeon. You're just going to have to wait." 

A pout settled on her mouth, her pink lips dropping into a childish frown. A frown that he wouldn't mind seeing on her more because of how cute she looked. "Not even a hint?"

"No," he told her simply. "Now come on, i'm starving." He turned and walked to his grandfather's truck. It was a plain old white pickup that they usually used for pasture work but he had cleaned it up the night before for a surprise that he had planned for the brunette later that night. 

He knew it was gonna throw her but he figured it could be part of his fun in torturing her with a surprise. 

"Where's your mom's car? Don't you take hers on cold days?" She asked as she followed him to the passenger side. 

He opened the door for her with a smug expression and a twitch of his lips. "Yes, but I have my reasons for changing it up." 

"And that is?" 

He grinned around the door before closing it in a hurry to avoid her kick at him, "Wouldn't you like to know." 

After he climbed in and made sure they were both buckled up, the cuban backed out of the driveway, taking a left. A turn away from their little town.  

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