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Chapter 5

Pidge couldn't sleep all night. She had tossed and turned trying to get comfortable. But to no avail, her mind kept racing and she couldn't blame it. 

Not seven hours ago, Keith dropped the mother of all realizations on her. 

That she had and was still falling for her best friend. 

No wonder sleep avoided her. 

Lance, not knowing what was transpiring through the brunette's head, had texted her until late morning. That was four hours ago and it was now 5am. She was surely going to suffer through school. 

Huffing, Pidge climbed out the bed and headed to her bathroom for a shower. She might as well get up and start getting ready for the day. 

She turned the water on scolding and stepped under the liquid fire that dripped down her back. Hopefully, it would release some of the tension she had set into her shoulders from stress and would relax her mind from her thoughts about the boy that had constantly ran laps through her head. 

How on earth was she even supposed to act around him?
She guessed she could just act as everything was fine, try to even push the feelings that bubbled to the surface back down into the black abyss that was now her heart. God, why did she even let Keith talk her into entertaining the thought? 
Crushing and loving on someone in a romantic sense was new to her. The brunette didn't love anyone besides on a friend or family level.  

Don't get it wrong though, she had her crushes. You don't befriend a group of football players and not blush at the occasional shirtless male that passed by you during a practice. 

Maybe that was what she actually had for Lance? Just a short and meaningless crush that would eventually fade away with time. 
Lance seemed like he was in love with Allura during sophomore year and now look at him, completely over her. Perhaps Keith had just confused her affection for love when it was really just a small crush. It would explain why it sorta snuck up on her.

She didn't think love was the type of thing to just happen without the knowledge of her really knowing. Crushes though, did. A lot of people have had crushes on others and not been aware of it until later. 

Falling in love with someone without knowing it though, was as rare and unseen, as a blue moon. 

She was not in love with Lance McClain. 

Finishing up her shower, Pidge went ahead and got dressed in a pair of green shorts that rolled up at the ends and a white oversized knitted shirt, tucking the bottom front end into her waist band. 

The shorts weren't too short and stopped about mid thigh. With it still being late in September, the temperature had yet to dive below 65. Plus, the sweater equaled it out by keeping her upper body warm. 

Besides, If the cheerleaders could handle skirts up to their ass, then she would be just fine. 

Pulling on her green converse, Pidge noticed Keith's light flickering on from his open window. 
He always made an effort to be up early.

It sickened her. 

But for today, she figured it worked in her favor. She needed to tell him how he invaded her sleep schedule and then beat him with an inch of his life for ruining her friendship.

She looked over at Kosmo who had taken up residency on her bed and scratched him by the ear. "I'll be back boy, gotta go beat up an idiot." 

Climbing out onto the sill, she reached for the branch above her to pull herself out and walked across the second large branch under her, all the way over to Keith's open window. He was nowhere to be seen as she peeked her head in through the slightly parted red curtains and she guessed he was downstairs grabbing breakfast. So she also stumbled down the stairs after him. 

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