First day

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First day of school at Garrison Highschool, was set to start bright and early at 8am.

Most teens were up 3 hours earlier just to get ready, if they even managed to sleep at all. The first day of class was a day for students to start fresh and be someone they weren't the year before. It was a day for fresh starts and making new friends. 

MOST teens looked forward to the bright September day. Except for Katie Holt. 

No, First day of school was anything but great for her. Any day where she had to get up early and be social was not a favorite on her list. 

The alarm clock blasted from her nightstand, sending a very high screeched message that it was time for her to get up and face the world and it's greatness.

Katie groaned. 

 An autumn breeze blew in from her window that she kept open for her neighbor and friend, Keith. As long as it wasn't bad weather, the window usually stayed open.

It was a lot easier than having the boy bang against it until she let him. 

A big tree with large branches had grown up in between their windows, leaving a path for them to walk across and into the other's room. Honestly it was the brunette's favorite thing about the two story house. 
At least...that was until she heard an annoying yell from the opposing hole in her wall. 

Peaking her rat nest of morning hair out from underneath her comfy blanket, honey brown eyes followed and met grayish purple. His pretty boy face was smirking at her from her window sill. 

She really wanted to punch that face. 

She ducked back under the blanket and rolled over to face away from him. He laughed at her as she heard him crawl the rest of the way in.

....he laughed at her. 

Who laughed this early?!

"Come on, Pidge. It's time to get up, you have 30 minutes to get ready so we can leave." 

Another groan greeted him. 

Laughing, the Asian boy grabbed the edge of her green comforter and ripped it from her small body, earning himself a squeak in shock. "I'm going down stairs to make you a cup of coffee to go," he said going to the door. "If you aren't up by the time it's done, I'm pouring it on you." 

The door clicked shut behind him and not two seconds later a mop of brown popped up from the bed. "Did he say 30 minutes?!" She squealed as she rushed out of the bed and promptly fell to the floor. 

A laugh from the Asian boy was heard from downstairs. 

Damn Keith... he was waiting on that. 

Running to get ready, Pidge grabbed a black and white striped shirt from her closet and a pair of light blue skinny jeans and tugged them on as quickly as she could. Hopping over to her vanity with one leg still out of her jeans, she grabbed a brush and pulled it through her long hair. 

It had grown all the way to the small of her back.
After a small incident with Matt, her brother, blowing a bubblegum bubble too big, It had exploded into the hair of the person closest to it.

Which happened to be her....unfortunately.
She had to go through almost a year of bad hair days and short ponytails. Good news was though, she had gotten to beat the crap out of Matt for him not to EVER want to touch another piece of gum again. 

Pulling half of it into a messy bun and letting the rest cascade down her back, Pidge grabbed her green converse from the floor and green sweater from the hanging hook in her closet and ran to her bathroom to brush her teeth and place her contacts in. She had glasses, her brother's old ones, but she preferred contacts for out in public.

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