Halloween pt. 2

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Chapter 18 Pt. 2 "My captain."

October 31st 8:00pm

It was loud. So very loud and hot. So many bodies rubbed against one another. So many people danced and sang as they moved along to the music with their friends.

Bright strobe lights with bright colors shined in all different directions around the dark and large room.

Pidge didn't like this. It was not her scene and she really wanted to leave.

"Wow, this is ridiculous," Hunk commented behind her. She could practically hear the astonishment in his voice.

"Yeah, they really went all out," Lance breathed, a grin taking over his features. They had only just gotten to the party about 5 minutes ago and she knew that this was probably the most excited she had seen the cuban. He was a lively person after all. Bright lights and loud music was probably his calling.
It was one of the things they didn't have in common..
She was a homebody that prefered sleeping, eating, and gaming. And he was constantly on the go, searching for something fun to do.

She guessed it could technically mean that they equal each other out.

Lance always made her climb out of her comfort zone every once in a while, so that she could say she did something worthwhile and Pidge stabilized him, making him realize that slowing down was good for him. It made you see things that normally would pass by too quickly.

But she would much rather the cuban pulled her out of her comfort zone to do anything else then what he had chosen for the night. Anything but a rowdy highschool party.

"I thought the party was being held at James Griffin's house?" Asked Allura from where she was cuddled up on Lotors arm.

"This is Griffin's house!" Keith yelled in reply as a certain song started playing. Many teens started to sing loudly along with the already blasting music and Pidge actually had to cover her ears.

"You mean mansion!" She shouted at her neighbor.

There was no way the large building they stood in, could be considered a house. It had white columns towering high into the ceilings and two stairs cases that started on opposite sides of the room. Both leading up and onto the same floor. It was practically a friggin ballroom.

"Griffin's parents are really loaded! His mom is a CEO of some clothing business while his dad is a very wealthy lawyer!"Lotor explained to the small group. Out of everyone, the captain had probably hung around the jock the most. Often helping out with his players and teammates during practices since freshman year. So it wouldn't surprise her if they got to talking every once in a while and what his parents did for living came up.

"I think this is a bit overkill!" Said Allura, reaching up to cover her own ears. Pidge definitely had to agree with her. She understood wanting to have loud music and drinks. Maybe even a couple of lights here and there. But not to the extent where an obvious and very expensive stereo system and what was probably a really high paid DJ, was set up at the front near the large open windows. Not to the extent of having glow sticks on every student, fake smoke clouding the air, and decorations of top quality littering the place.

Lance laughed from beside her, "Are you kidding me?! This is totally awesome!!" He was absolutely ecstatic as he grinned at them.
"There's food, dance music, alcohol, and so many people! What more could you ask for?!"


"Come on, guys! It's Halloween and we are at a bitching party! Have fun! Loosen up!"

"Maybe Lance is right!" Hunk agreed, suprising her. "We are at a party together! We should be taking this opportunity to live in what could be an incredible highschool memory!"

Blue Moon (Plance highschool AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin