Mi vida

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Author's note: I may or may not have cried...this story has become my baby and writing one of the last important parts was kinda hard on me so it might be a mess due to my blubbering tears....please be gentle.

Chapter 39
Part - 2 

Saturday, December 14th

Matt sighed in exhaustion at his little sister from where she sat across from him in the living room arm chair, "You are so lucky stuff like this happens when mom and dad aren't around."  

Pidge only sniffed in response, her tears finally drying on her lashes. 

Matt had heard from Hunk that the brunette had cried in her bulky friend's arms at the school, that she had cried in his car on the way to the house, and then he had witnessed for himself when she had practically wailed in hysterics once Matt had fully embraced her in his protective big brother hold. So, you can imagine how grateful he was once she sat in front of him with a new set of clothes that he helped her change into and a fresh face of no make-up that he also helped her softly wipe off. It was also great that the brunette was finally able to control the water works that were constantly begging to be let out. 

"Here. Let me place this on." Matt said as he grabbed the ice pack off the end table he sat on. He had gotten it out the fridge sometime after they had returned from changing her and placed it behind him on the table. He really didn't want to use it until it was certain that she had calmed down enough from her crying. After learning from  past experiences, he knew that sudden and new things could shock her nerves and he really didn't want to spook her while she was still on edge. "Do you need anything? Medicine or something?" 

Pidge shook her head.

Words hadn't really come to her since being home. She had incoherently babbled in emotional agony while clinging to her older sibling but other than that, she was silent. It was something that he had noticed about her any time something traumatic happened and he pondered on whether it was some kind of way for her body and mind to stop and process everything around her so she didn't overload. Like a coping mechanism of sorts. 

Maybe being quiet helped her settle into whatever awful trauma was taking over her. 

 "I think Hunk mentioned that he was going to call Keith. Make sure that everyone is okay." The poor teen had been absolutely filled jitters as he stuck to the front door, unsure of what he was supposed to do once his friend was in the care of someone else. It was probably awkward for him to stand aside and watch such a vulnerable moment unfold right before him and have no part in it. There had been nothing else for him to do but at least he had done what he could when it counted. At least he got his small and hurt friend where she wanted to be. That surely had given the boy some comfort. "I'm wondering if maybe he left. It's been a bit of time since he stepped outside," he commented, flipping the cold compressor over on it's other side. Matt didn't tell her how bad of a shiner she had and she didn't ask. She didn't even look in her bedroom mirror as she had walked past. His little sister was most likely too scared and even though it sounded bad to say, he was kind of glad for it. The was no telling what the sight of herself would do to her vulnerable little mind. "Shiro hasn't called either." A worried lip is dragged in between knowing and anxious teeth as Matt fixed the compress higher. He was scared that something had happened. That Shiro might have gotten hurt.  It was why he kept trying to talk to his sibling even though she wasn't responding. He figured if he distracted himself by speaking, then his worried mind wouldn't settle on his boyfriend for too long. 

Shiro was strong. He could handle himself, he knew that. It was just hard to remember when your baby sister is sitting in front of you with a bruised and split lip. Obviously the Griffin character that had been causing everyone so much trouble had a good hand on him and if he was heatless enough to lay a finger on someone as sweet as his younger sibling, then their was no telling what he would do to a person he barley knew.

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