Snow or Ice

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Chapter 33 

Thursday, December 5th

I AM HUNK: IK it's early but could you meet me in the school parking lot. I need your help with a plan. 
Pidge whined miserably against her pillow. Why, oh why, were all her friends morning risers?! There probably wasn't one person besides her in their little group that enjoyed the few hours they all had to sleep and it infuriated her beyond repair.

She sighed as she leaned up on her arms to grab her glasses so she could see better, the tiredness in her eyes making her lids burn. 

The brunette was close to throwing a freakin' intervention for the sad sleep deprived children that she had befriended. 
They were clearly missing out on one of the greatest things in life.

Pidgeon: sure

She was an amazing friend and they had better appreciate her for all that she sacrificed for them. 

I AM HUNK: BTW it's snowing. 

Fucking hell!!

Brown curls sprawled out wide around her as she harshly plopped back down into her pillow. 


The first fall of snow for the year was actually not as heavy as it usually was and Pidge figured it had to do with the small fact of how it never really started untill later on in the month of December. It was light and mostly slushy in consistency but it was, surprisingly, still sticking as it coated almost every surface it landed on. Which was good. Snowball fights and snow angles would soon ensue and become a temporary occurrence for the remainder of the winter in Altea. 

Keith was sure to be doomed when it finally became thick and fluffy enough for her to shove hand fulls of the cold substance down his shirt.
Early winter for her meant early torture for her neighbor. 

Poor bastard. 

"He called you to?" Asked Lotor from where he was perched on the back of his charger, guitar out and balanced on his lap. 

Pidge raised a brow as she closed greenie's door and walked around to stand near the captain. "Do you know what this is about?" It was 7:15 in the morning for Christ sake and Hunk had two of his friends standing out in the freezing cold. What was so important that required them to be at the school before it was open? The brunette didn't even see Couch Iverson's truck in the parking lot as she pulled in and he was always there before morning practice.

Perhaps he canceled it because of the weather. 

Lotor shook his head as he hovered his digits over the strings of his beloved instrument, "He didn't say." A random tune started to erupt from the guitar as he absetmindingly fingered a few cords. "It's a bit odd that we are here before him though. It is his secret meeting." And he did live the closest. Something must have been holding him up. 
"How did you get out? Isn't this sort of violating your groundishment?" He asked with a smirk, obviously teasing her. It reminded her of the small moment she had on the roof with a certain cuban of hers. The memory wasn't much seeing as they didn't stay up on top of her house for long but it was still fresh on her mind, just like the feeling of him pressed up against her in the woods, was still scorched into her skin. 

The brunette couldn't help the blush that steamed up the frozen corners of her glasses. "Uh, it wasn't really against the rules," She managed out over her flushed appearance. "I'm at school." It was the one place they let her drive alone to.

"There haven't been any more sightings?" Another few strings were plucked and pulled and eventually the random tune turned into a song that she recognized. It was one the two had often sung as a duet and her fingers couldn't help but to softly thrum in beat to the familiar song against the player's orange vehicle. 

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