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Chapter 30 

Wednesday, November 27th 

The sun had been bright the first time the brunette had woken up in her best friend's arms but as she awoke for the second time, the bed was empty and she noticed that the sun was slightly more manageable and higher up as it shined into her room. 

Which meant it was most likely well past noon. 

Pidge plucked the comforter that she had rolled up into after Lance had left from her body and slid to the edge of the mattress as best she could, to stand. Her head pounded once the blood began to circulate throughout her body as she was now positioned in an upright position and she instantly clutched both sides of her temples in her hands. The throbbing only beated harder against her skull. 

She really wanted some pain medication. The nurse had said that the pills were only to be taken when needed and she was sure the mini drill that was currently trying to make its way to her brain, counted as a reason. 

The brunette groaned as she began to make her way out of her room and to the stairs. Her poor head was still cradled within her fingers as she walked down the steps and something she noticed was that the usually short trip down into the living room was starting to feel like a mile walk down a friggin mountain. 

Why did her head have to hurt so damn badly? She had been fine in bed. She had survived the night at the hospital, but for whatever reason her head was trying to jump out of her noggin and her side felt like it was in a tight vice grip. She didn't even feel her side until she reached the bottom of the steps. Hadn't her body been through enough? Couldn't her ribs just lay off until she settled her headache? 

Letting out a pitiful excuse of a whine, the brunette dragged herself the few feet that was between the banister and the couch in the living room and all but dropped her head into the back cushions of it, arms hugging her ribs close. 

"Pidgeon?" Her head popped up quickly at the voice and she immediately regretted that action when the pounding only grew stronger. She whined once again. 

Is this what a hangover feels like?

"Oh, Pidgeon," cooed her best friend as he came from some unknown place. She didn't know exactly where he was because her head pain made her eyes way too sensitive to even dare open them more than the squint she had them set at and she also didn't have her glasses, so what was the point of even trying to look further around herself. All she needed to know was that she was in the living room, leaning on the couch with it's heavenly fluff holding her up, and Lance was there to help. 

She could die happy as far as she was concerned.  

Warm digits hooked around her arms, "Come on. Let's get you something for your head," Lance said as he pulled her up straighter and guided her towards what she guessed was the kitchen. 

Do I smell bacon? Lord help her if that boy had cooked for her. Pidge didn't even deserve him being there but if he had gotten up just to fix her food…

"I've got breakfast or you know, brunch, almost ready. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, all that you like and your pills are already out and waiting for you." 
She felt herself become weightless for only a second as he grabbed her waist and placed her butt on the counter top. Cool and thin metal slid onto her face and rested on the bridge of her nose. "I thought you would forget your glasses on the nightstand so I made sure to take the liberty in getting them for you." 

I'm going to marry this boy.

"Why haven't you left already?" Her voice was dry and ridiculously loud as it racked and echoed inside her own mind. 

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