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Chapter 23 

Friday, November 15th 

The cab of red stayed mostly silent throughout the ride to the Holt's residents as Pidge still stewed in her anger. Anger that was just starting to dwindle away as they parked between the two houses; Keith's usual spot. The brunette appreciated that the two boys she sat between, left her alone. She didn't want to talk about anything and she most certainly didn't want to be cheered up. She just wanted to remain pissy for as long as she could because the feeling of hatred made her feel more alive then she had in weeks. 

Which probably wasn't a good thing. Positive vibes were most likely better to go off of and move on with then negative ones but the brunette really didn't care. It felt like progress to getting better and that's all that mattered to her. 

Warm lengthy fingers encased her right hand. "Ready?" Lance asked from beside her. His neck was craned a bit down to his shoulder so he could speak lowly into her ear and she shuddered as the hot wisp of breath and mint blew against her cheek. 

Pidge huffed, squeezing the fingers that were wrapped around her own, "You guys promise Allura didn't go out too much?" She was really worried that the princess had overdid what the brunette specifically asked to be nothing more but a get-together. She was the leader of the decorating committee after all and that status didn't come easy to just anyone. Allura earned it with how creative she could be. 

And Pidge really hoped she didn't show that creativity with her birthday. 

"Seeing as we haven't really been told much, we can't exactly promise." Oh boy. "But I'm pretty confident she did as you asked and kept it lowkey," Keith said, tossing his keys into his backpack on the floorboard by his feet. 

"Yeah, Allura knew where you stood before you even gave the go ahead," added the cuban. 

Maybe they were right. Maybe Allura, precious bubblegum princess of Altea County, captain of the Garrison Cheer Squad, and boss of all celebrations and events involving the high school, was going to keep her party on the down low. Totally chill and small. 

Why did that seem highly doubtful to her?

A loud bark sounded as Lance opened the door and stepped out, a big black, almost blue husky pushing him out of the way to hop in next to her. "Hey, buddy!" She cooed, all negative emotions diminishing quickly. 
It was Cosmo. How could she stay mad when that big drooling and adorable face lapped at her with kisses, tail wagging furiously in excitement. "Where have you been, huh?! I haven't seen you in a bit!" 

The pup whined with happiness, panting as he hyped himself up. "Comso, stop eating Pidge and get out of red. You'll get fur all over the seats," the asian told him, shutting his door behind him. The husky yipped at his owner before diving out after the boy.
Slobbery kisses weren't just for the birthday girl. "Ack! Cosmo, get down!" He yelled, pushing the dog back to the ground. 

Pidge and Lance laughed at the sight. Keith hated when the husky licked his face. K9 saliva always grossed him out. "Come on, boy!" The brunette called sweetly. Cosmo obeyed instantly and took up a nice spot in between the two best friends as they made their way for the door, following Keith. 

"He only does that because you let him do it to you." 

Pidge smirked at her neighbor, pulling the house key from her back pocket. "Only because I'm not a wimp when it comes to dog drool." 

"He eats dirt!" The asian exclaimed, gesturing to the mutt that leaned against her legs as she inserted the key. "I've watched him lick his own junk!" 

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