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Chapter 35

Friday, December 6th

"Mom?!" The brunette called, entering her house and dropping her bag down by the door. 

Samuel Holt, stuck his head out from inside the kitchen, "Hi, sweetheart."

"Dad?" Pidge questioned as she headed over to him to give him a brief hug. It was way too early for her dad to be home. Like, at least 4- 5 hours early, so she was a tad confused. "What are you doing at home?"  

"Your mom and I decided to go out to dinner for the evening. She's upstairs now getting ready." But Matt was gone. Was she supposed to go with them or were they going to leave her at home? They hadn't said anything to her. 

"I'm staying here by myself?" 

"Of course not," the older man said as he went back to unloading the dishwasher. He always helped mom around the house whenever he could. No matter how tired he was. "Dr. Kolvian is at home and I asked if he could check in on you often." 
Would it be bad of her to ask? Would her dad be mad if she asked for a little...leniency?

"Actually, dad. I was wondering if maybe...if maybe I could go to the game tonight?" Sam paused and looked at his daughter with an unreadable expression. 

"Uh, Katie. I don't think that's such a good idea. Those games are usually packed and full of people. You can't go by yourself." She knew that and that wasn't what she was trying to get at. 

"Well, I was going to ask if mom could take me but now that I know you guys are leaving and Mr. Kolvian will be home, can I ask him?" It was a last minute idea that had popped into her head when he mentioned the doctor's name and since the man's son was a player, surely he wouldn't mind attending with her. Just once. Whether he was a fan of the sport or not.  

"He doesn't care for the sport, Katie. You know that." The father went back to his task with a huff. The brunette was probably making it difficult for her father. He obviously just wanted to keep her safe and her asking if she could break the rules just a bit most likely wasn't making him feel good. 

"It couldn't hurt to ask…" She didn't want to push him too hard. "And Dr. Kolvian is on the list of people I can be around." She had him there. The list was made for a reason and it wouldn't have been fair to just make the list void all because he wasn't ready to let her out in such a busy place. "Please, dad. Our rivals are the Olkarion Cobras." Her fathers eyes widened at that. Even he knew how good the team was. "I want to be able to support my friends." The brunette aimed to pull the commander's heart strings. If she tugged on them hard enough, he would feel immense guilt over not letting her go when nothing was really her fault. 

Sam hated having his little girl mad at him. The man sighed, scratching the scruff that was beginning to grow on his chin. "Have you seen anything lately?" 

"Absolutely not." It was pure honesty. Neither she or anyone else had spotted hooded figures or creeps around her...unless you counted James but he wasn't really the "Dress up in a hoodie and break into her house" kinda type. Griffin was more or less just a whiny baby that threw fits when he didn't get what he wanted. 

It took a minute but the father couldn't help but give into the pleading look she had settled on him. Sam rubbed at his eyes under his rectangular frames "Fine, you can ask Dr. Kolvian bu-" 

He didn't get to finish before she was hopping up on her toes to give her dad another brief hug and then hurriedly pulling away to run for the front door. "Thank you! I love you!" 

"Be careful crossing the yard!" The brunette rolled her eyes but made sure she was facing away from the commander as she exited the house. Pidge wasted no time as she jogged over to her neighbor's and without so much as a knock, she opened the front door, heading to the living room. 

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