Are you ready?

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Chapter 37 

Wednesday, December 11th


"Ugh! I'm dying…" Lance cried dramatically as he fell back against the asian behind him, making Keith huff in agitation. Both boys were sitting on one of the locker room benches, getting dressed after a rough and cold morning practice. 

At least, Keith was getting changed. Lance was just whining and sweating pitifully on the quarterback's shoulder while he complained about how awful he felt. The asian tried to pull away from his team mate who was slick with prespersation. It wasn't a nice feeling to have someone sweat all over you, especially when the wetness wasn't just from running laps but also probably a fever. 
God forbid the cuban was contagious and Keith caught it. He didn't do well with being sick and didn't want to think about how much his father would try to take care of him as Doctor dad. 

A pale hand pushed the lanky teen back up right and off of him. "You are not dying. It's most likely a cold." A cold he would eventually get over. 

"It'll do me in. I know it!" Long lanky fingers grasped the asian as he once again plastered his body onto Keith's. Thankfully they both had shirts on or else it would have certainly been a lot more uncomfortable then it was in that moment and then Keith would have had to punch the boy. "Tell my Pidgeon, I love her. Please, for me, Mullet." 

Again, the asian pushed the over dramatic princess's sweaty figure off of him. "Tell her yourself," he said, bending over to tie his shoelaces. 

Achoo!! "I want to!" 

"Then what's stopping you?" 

"I don't know how to..," Lance groaned, falling on top of the asian's back now and rubbing his feverish face into his black t-shirt. Perhaps, Keith would revisit the option of punching the cuban and do it anyway.  

"It's not that hard," he leaned up quickly to throw the boy off for the third time. "Just open your mouth and let everything you want to say, come out." Standing up, he grabbed his red leather jacket and closed the little metal door. "Shouldn't be much of a problem considering how much bullshit comes out of that trap any other time." 

"Har har," Lance said, laying flat on his back to stare up at him. His stuffy nose made him sound more nasally that way. "It's a lot more difficult and complex than what you think." 


"Because it has to be memorable! Romantic!"

Keith snickered and crossed his arms. "Lance, this is Pidge. I don't think she would care if it's romantic or not."

"No, but I care. If I tell her and mess up in any kind of way," the teen rubbed at his face in exaggerated exhaustion. "...I'll never forgive myself. We've been friends for a long time and it's been such a great friendship that it now feels like I owe it to our relationship to make my confession great. Especially when it's to such an amazing girl like Pidge."

Keith shook his head, "You're a good guy, Lance. You really are. But the year isn't getting younger and neither are you. It's time for you to man up and tell her. Stop being a big baby." 

"I am not being a baby," The cuban said, ironically pouting like a small child. Lance sniffed, rubbing at his runny nose. "I just have to find the right time."

"Now could be the right time. You could go to her right now and tell her." There was no reason for his team mate to be sulking around about a girl that he loved, in fear of a relationship, when she obviously liked him back!! Pidge had told him a lot about what had transpired between the two and even though he wasn't there to experience everything himself, he still understood perfectly that they both had made it clear to the other that they wanted something more…

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