Notes Part 2

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  This is gonna be short, but I've just finished all the endings and that means that I've officially finished The Dream Chapter. It only took me, what? 7 months?

  I don't have much to say about the endings. I tried to make each one different with a different outcome. I liked that they were all different.

  One of my favourite things is my beautiful HueningKai consent scene. We love a man who asks for consent.

  I'd really just like to take this opportunity to once again say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories and thank you for taking the time to comment such nice things and engage so nicely with others. Thank you so much for supporting me in this whole endeavour and thank you for those of you who have been waiting for the endings for so many months.

  I'd also like to say sorry for those of you have been waiting for the endings for months. I'm not gonna give excuses, but they're out now and my story is officially complete.

  Also, congratulations, you've just read a story that was longer (word wise) than the first Harry Potter book, and longer (word wise) than The Hobbit book. I really enjoyed writing this book and it was really nice to dive back into the storyline and not only remember some of the things that I wanted to mention previously, but also just to try to embody these characters and think of ways that their stories could end.

  Anyways, once again, thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you have a wonderful day, week, year, etc. You all deserve it :)

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